
My biggest question about elections in America is why hold elections on weekdays? From where I come from the elections are held on Sundays to maximize it, all public transportation is free that day, the day is declared a national holiday to make sure that even the people who have to work on Sunday are given the time

Damn be this quiz. 30% trump? How in the name all fuck did this happen? In the other hand 97% both Sanders and Clinton. I need a Korean scrub followed by a bleach wash to remove any traces of Trump

The 60mg pills of sudafed are better that NyQuil or DayQuil and more effective for colds, at least for me.

:( I like to think I’m reasonable and I take to heart Bernies thing about not insulting and running a clean campaign. I do know and realize some of the supporters have gotten fanatical but last night the Hillary supporters got nasty in a Sanders page. That makes me think the fanaticals for all candidates are out in

I’m not in the vast majority and that because of it I’m not, I’m some type of person who can’t expect dual citizenship is blah. Thankfully my status, my citizenship or my immigration woes are for me to worry only.

Ok. I should’ve hired wikipedia when dealing with this matter instead of lawyers in both countries.

The U.S. Doesn’t accept dual citizenship. Nor my country per se. So saying that I would bare arms in the name of US is a tad more complicated and hard.

Me too... We aren't as crucial :/

I don’t wanna sound like a hippie but sending you good vibes so you can get pregnant. Children are awesome but they do poop in your clean bed :/ my two year old did that today. D and C is horrible but should be accessible to women. I’m pro bernie but i think either of them would do good for women's reproductive

I respect your process but if you are in Iowa please think of Monday ;)

Are you fucking serious? Choosing to drop your nationality is a huge deal and should not be taken lightly. Specially when a Trump presidency is feasible.

I understand your desire to hold back and get all the info, I’m also a first time voter and immigration is a huge deal for me, I’m Hispanic and even though I was blessed by coming here with a visa and being able to get a green card when I married my husband, that isn’t the case of most immigrants and that hurts me. In

I googled the hot milk brand and they are sooo pretty and affordable I think I will buy myself one, after two years of breastfeeding one of my boobs is so small kinda saggy and odd shaped and the other one is so much bigger. No bra fits me correctly anymore :(

It would have to be showers plus Korean scrubs and bleach after dip to take the stank off :/... Some evangelical are nice I would say as a disclaimer.

Probably not, it’s like you don’t know Jesus? I don’t need to socialize with you because you taint me as a person of faith, you are a gay same thing, and I can go on and on with the list of people that as an evangelical you shouldn’t mix with, so the fact that someone like Trump validates their inner superiority is

Once upon a time I was an evangelical and I can honestly tell you some of them are the most hateful people I’ve ever met. So it makes perfect sense that they love Trump even when he refers to them “the evangelicals love me” which feels sooo blah blah throw up blah

What? I have a two year old who I still breastfeed and have never heard of sleep bra, hot milk bra, or anything else... I used soft sport bra type the whole time. :/ to be fair I didn’t really buy maternity clothes either except for a pair of gap jeans that my mom got me and were ok.