
My sister, her partner, and I went out for Margarita Monday a while back. This sort of thing happened, and I was like ughhhhhh. They were both laughing like no big deal, we get this all the time. I wanted to cut people’s throats and they were dealing with it in their way by laughing and giving people the face. You

It was hibachi so it’s likely he was also their server, there are still the runners, bus people, and the host/ess to consider but even as a former food service person myself I am having a hard time having any sympathy for the restaurant. A server having a bad day is one thing, a server who sexually harasses and makes

That was one of the big problems with this piece. This guy, who probably pitched this piece because he wanted to re-use the reporting/sources he had from Holtzclaw’s college football career, thought he was doing something in the vein of “Serial” or “Making A Murderer.” But he never actually investigated the case or

For background: I formally took the ACT twice (over a decade ago, so time may have taken its toll) and both times got a perfect on the reading section. This is only relevant to prove that under time constraints, my reading comprehension is significantly above the mean of college bound Americans.

Holtzclaw is continually described as a man who actively worked to stay out of trouble—as if it’s a shock when previously law-abiding men decide to rape women.

Count the motherfucking clauses in that sentence. Forget the horrifying shit show that was the topic, any editor who let that damn clusterfuck out the door should be fired on the spot for that alone.

So you question the intentions of someone who writes an almost identical article? Is there information presented here that elucidates the claims from the Facts of the Case that Shaun King’s article didn’t? Yeah, she did more research, that’s fair, but I can’t read either of your comments without assuming you came in

Amazing how Shaun King got 6 women to sue the University of Tennessee over a Title IX complaint.

The best/worst part of that bit of his book, to me, is how he leads into the incident by making it clear that he thought she shouldn’t have had the job in the first place because she’s a woman.

What is there to say about those things? He was fully punished for the laptop incident, as well as other transgressions at UF. He was investigated for the payment incident, Andorra was determined that he committed no wrongdoing. And even if he did, who would care?

Because that’s totally how it worked. Peyton showed her his penis, and then handed her a check for $300K.

She didn’t get mooned you fucking imbecile. She had a grown ass man put his dick and balls on her face. That is fucking sexual assualt. Your fucking joke of a university didn’t do anything to protect their employee.

If only Diana had included that in the article...

Then your alma mater shouldn’t have brought in 18 year olds who think it is okay to teabag people. And your alma mater should have given enough of an education to that person so they are smart enough to follow court settlements and keep their mouth shut. It’s absolutely your schools fault that a guy who went there

Maybe you could demand your alma mater take responsibility for it’s shitty reputation? Y’know instead of whining the others guys are doing it too. Jesus Christ, football is a fucking plight.

Uh, A. 30 years ago would mean Peyton was 9 years old when he sat on her face you innumerate numbskull, and B. she did.

Jesus Christ. Somewhere out there, an English teacher just hanged themselves.

I ... what is the relevance of the color of her skin or who she dated?

It really pisses me off that after I cheered for Peyton Manning (in broad strokes, at least) for the vast majority of his career and he barely ever won the Super Bowl, now that he’s been revealed as an atrocious human being — a liar, a sexual harasser, a doper, a Papa John’s franchise owner — he wins the Super Bowl.

As a person who's seen like a triple digit number of cocks, I'm gonna go with real.