
That only works until they start demanding more shit pics

‘China is known for building ambitious infrastructure projects in order to artificially prop up their economy and stock market, while simultaneously funneling money into the pockets of contractors and bureaucrats, and not finding humans to populate them after the fact.’

‘China is known for building ambitious infrastructure projects in order to artificially prop up their economy and stock market, and not finding humans to populate them after the fact.’

I don’t understand the human mind well enough, correction, the minds of partiularly brave and contented people, who, when faced with the prospect of almost certain death, can decide to die peacefully and with dignity. I don’t know if I could do it. I hope I could, if it were me. But I think of Dylan Thomas and Raging

Youze haz a sad? We help? Boop.

Yeah seems like Thailand is the go to place for racist white scumbags to live out their disgusting colonial fantasies.

It is what their sex really sounds like.

This is one of the best mic drops I’ve ever read.

Didn't know Louis CK was a Mets fan.

Here’s why it’s an issue: the fact that this was made and the makers didn’t see the glaringly apparent domestic violence angle shows a lack of awareness that is a huge problem in our society. No one is saying this is an endorsement by the Cavs of domestic violence, any more than the Bud Light “say no” label was a

It doesn’t require any twisting to view it in a negative light. The man tosses his girlfriend to the ground in disgust (he doesn’t just drop her or step away) and then as she’s icing her wounds, she apologizes to him for not liking the same things as him before he stares into the camera with a bizarre smug smile.


Dude. She’s writhing on the floor in pain. She ends the scene with an ice pack on her head. He injured her with malice. There’s nothing lighthearted about it.

You’re definitely right, however the Cavs missed the whole accident vs intentionally spiking your g/f .

I’m genuinely curious in which world you live such that this passes for an interesting or nuanced perspective on the issue. Like... people shouldn’t discuss a ‘lighthearted’ but offensive video because the video, specifically, isn’t something they would dedicate their lives to eradicating? Or things that aren’t the

Yeah you only get to be pissed off about hitler. Everything else is just wasting time

And I think what makes it even worse is that after he throws her across the room (accidental or not) she’s forced to give up being a Bulls fan for fear of further violence. The “I thought you were all in” is pretty much “why do you make me hit you”? Is it a direct show of DV? Of course not. But it makes light of men

Except...he literally throws her. He doesn’t drop her, he throws her. That’s the issue. In the commercial it’s parodying, the guy simply can’t catch his wife, but there is no intent to harm her. Here there is. Not very difficult to see.

Normally after I sit through 30 seconds of bad acting I’m awarded with some hardcore fucking at least.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.