
What? How pointless and ridiculous. People and their ignorant racist bullshit! Get a life freak.

Thanks for your permission to take your comment how I like. I choose to take it this way: After reading an article about a study that has concluded that black men are the only men who rated black women higher than the average woman (ALL other male groups rated black women FAR below average), it is beyond stupid for a

So many ridiculous statements. Where to begin? First, on average, black men rated black women higher than white women in OKCupid's 2014 study. This ridiculous assumption that most black men prefer white women is simply untrue — as studies about dating and marriage preferences and patterns have consistently indicated.


Your little anecdote aside, black men were the only group that rated black women higher than average in OKCupid's studies. White, Latino, and Asian men all rated black women FAR below average. Yet, let's slip in a cheap little attack on the men who actually appreciate black women.

Sexist and racist. Wanna go for the triple combo and add homophobia too? Idiot.

Drop dead you idiot.

You're not funny or cool. Just a despicable racist troll.