
Magary - as a fellow 40 something dad I agree the Struts are FUCKING PERFECT. I can’t stop listening!! Brings back 80's hairmetal!

They should commemorate the 40th anniversary of that bag of shit JoPa knowing one of his lieutenants was a child raper! Agreed - fuck them all and don’t forget - fuck the ones now who can’t let go of their distorted JoPa/PSU view!!! Just - FUCK! FUCK!

What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

I’m thinking - “Fuck You Property Tax Payers Field” is more appropriate...

Your move Belichick

We must remember these are Bills fans LOL.

Is the guy in the first picture wearing a diaper under his Zubaz?

Zodiac Motherfucker needs to be inducted into the Letter Writers wing of the Deadspin Hall of Fame - immediately.

Just another reason to hate the Reds...

...and there are a couple already!!

Jesus Christ = not available - PUP list.

Early Funbag is the best Funbag!!

Well....that didn’t take long...

I fully expect Jay Paterno or some other dipshit in the family to come out with some version of #1 and 2 combined before the end of the day. All the mouth breathing Paternoites will line up behind him singing the chorus.

Bird Vs. Magic in the 1979 NCAA Championship game.

Originally, I was with you on Baylor, then I rethought my position. Baylor scandal is actually the worst scandal of the year -

Three Mile Island Nuclear reactor incident.

I knew they did that shit on purpose. Banks are down right criminal in the way they treat people. All the big boys do it - US Bank, BofA, Wells Fargo, and on and on.

Finally back on track...