
Despite all the Bloodborne and Sekiro chatter in here today, DS3 is next on my list. Steam says I’ve played it for 40 hours, but I only remember a few parts. That’s gonna be a restart for me. Looking forward to it, though.

Okay, it seems like maybe kinja is working for me again, maybe? Something went wrong with stuff for a while and I could never stay logged in enough to comment. Update: still won't work on Chrome on my phone after trying multiple things. Had to blow the dust off safari, fingers crossed. 

Yeah, its been a week. I’ve got to hook up the new router and modem this weekend, so that will be fun. Also, I want to build a stand for the new benchtop sander I picked up, and play a bit of Among Us and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. I just cleared out Winchestre.

Eventually I will finish Witcher 3 and Control, they are trading spots in my PS4 these days, also Children of Morta (PC) is great and I was cruising through those three games....until I bought Chrono Trigger during the Steam Winter sale. I’ve played the original tons of times, but never played the DS version with

I really need to get back into God Eater 3, but I’ve been so focused on painting lately that I haven’t touched a videogame in months. Not that I haven’t been enjoying painting. I guess that’s been my most recent revelation; having two big hobbies (videogames and miniatures) means that one is always going to take up

Slowly chipping away at the first Dark Souls lately, so some more of that. I’m back in Blighttown for like the millionth time. There have been several attempts to finish over the years and I always end up starting over. I’ve been as far as Anor Londo. I’m making it my mission to actually finish all the Soulsborne

Not hunting monsters, but I am hunting Mongols and the occasional bandit in Ghost of Tsushima. I started playing on Legend because it sounded like a cool samurai experience but eventually put it down to Normal because it makes dealing with multiple enemies at once actually doable. The stealth is decent, but I find

Enjoying getting to dabble in the PS4 classics I never got to play. I’ll probably play more God Of War (2018) and maybe a little Fall Guys. If I need a break from smashing monsters with an ax, a little Miles Morales or Bugsnax.

- Bloodborne: How good is this game? After playing through both DeS and DS3 on PS5 running at a silky-smooth 60FPS I booted BB up and was appalled by how lackluster the performance feels... but I can’t stop playing. It’s not perfect but about as close as I could ask. Also the DLC is something special; They really

1. Bloodborne
2. Dark Souls
3. Dark Souls 2
4. Dark Souls 3
5. Demon’s Souls
6. Sekiro

Bloodborne wins for having my favorite setting. Dark Souls 2 is so high because it’s the only one I’ve finished, and that has to mean something. Though it’s mostly because I co-op’d as much as I could with a friend.

When Demon’s Souls came

Talking solely about the Fromsoft soulsborne titles, my ranking has at least one contentious entry:

I beat Demon’s Souls last night and then carried on to beat the first boss in NG+ before finally discovering that enemies in NG+ do a LOT more damage and dying a bunch of times. I’ll try to push on a bit more, but I’m also tempted to just start a new game to try a completely different build. I’d like to at least beat

I’ll probably keep plugging away at God Eater 3. It’s improved a bit from my initial impressions, but if I hit a difficulty spike I’m going to put the game away because I just can’t be bothered.

Some more Kingdom Hearts 1 Final Mix and Star Wars Squadrons

No Cyberpunk at all for me. I’ll be checking out the new stuff in Animal Crossing, AC Valhalla, and maybe Destiny 2 for the first time ever.

I wonder if those videos had the brightness all the way down, haha.

> I tried to convince myself to ask for Valhalla, but I also kind of refuse to play a game that seems to be set in perma-fall/winter

Hi folks.

More Demon’s Souls most likely. Getting close to finishing my first run as a mage, but due to a couple of bad decisions with boss souls and some bad luck on drops (seriously, having the final upgrade material for my weapon only drop randomly is some bullshit) I’m already thinking about NG+. That’s not something I’ve

Not gonna lie, the loadouts and NG+ might get me to play this again even after getting the platinum. Game of the year IMO.