
I am sad to see this thread go, though I was kind of expecting it after it became spotty in the past couple of weeks. It’s been therapeutic and quite fun to get to know some fellow Kotaku readers, insofar as that’s possible in this kind of forum. Thanks to Riley and Mike and all of you. I’m not going anywhere, so I’m

Not gonna lie, I’ve definitely been better. Last week I started having excruciating pain in my abdomen, sides and back and had a bit of a fever as well. Thought maybe it was a severe uti or kidney infection maybe. Nope turns out my pancreas is not doing so hot, might be pancreatitis but they still need to do more

Ahh, this is sad. It was a good run, though. These threads have coincided with me commenting more. Part of the draw has been the feeling of getting to talk to Mike and Riley, but I’ll check out the music thread from now on.

Managed to make it through without missing any of these. I’m not sure if that’s an accomplishment or what. Big thanks to Riley and Mike for giving everyone a daily space just to put something out there for random people on the internet to read in a way that tries to defy judgement.

As long as “what are you playing this weekend” still exists on Fridays to let me post something I’ll laugh at Monday morning when comparing what I said I’d play to what I actually end up playing (expected to play a bunch of sports games this weekend, ended up playing Rome: Total War, Alpha Centauri, and Rise of

Dawww, nuts. Fine. Okay.

Kind of had a feeling that this was coming, although I do appreciate an official “end” to it, rather than being left wondering. To Kotaku proper, thank you for providing this space for as long as you have! To the commentariat.... I’ve gotten to know (inasmuch as one can over the internet) so many of you that I might

The loons with the signs were right all along!

Not gonna lie. These last 6 months have been rough. I have never in my life had depression, but when all you have is your thoughts and nothing but negativity everywhere (the news, politics, people just hating one another) it is hard staying positive and optimistic. Complaining about it does nothing. Just gotta suck it

Ghost of Tsushima, Spiritfarer and the beach.

I’m playing Get Away From The Apocalypse this weekend, since the county south of us is mostly on fire and we had a beach house rental set up this weekend ahead of time. Just clinch timing. We’re going to pack a few more essential documents and supplies than the usual beach house trip, just in case, though there’s

Hoping to get back into Dragon’s Dogma this weekend, but I’ve been saying that for the past couple of weeks. When I’ve actually found time to play something, I’ve been picking away at Lonely Mountains: Downhill. I’m not sure if it’s the gameplay or just some lizard brain part of me that needs to play until I’ve

Very proud of myself for finishing The Last of Us Part II as well as Paper Mario: Sticker Star last weekend, especially TLoU since I had been working on that one for a while.

I won’t have a ton of time for games this weekend. Probably just some combination of Skyrim, Overwatch, and I’ve gone back to Hyrule Warriors to chip away at that.

I hadn’t played Skyrim in about a week, but I got back to it last night. I think I’m getting relatively close to finishing the Dragonborn content, so then I

I might start back into Hyrule Warriors Definitive over the weekend. I wasn’t sold on the idea of a sequel/prequel for BotW, but after listening to Podquisition I’m on board with a game that feels like a massive war in the world of Zelda, so now I want to get used to the controls again. I still have a ton of

I’m working on God of War (2018). One of the PS4 exclusives I hadn’t really gotten into until now. I tried once about a year and a half ago, but bounced off. This time, I’m thoroughly enjoying it. The combat never stops being fun, and it’s just the right level of challenge for me.

I was definitely not ready for the weekend to end yet. I went for a stupid long bike ride on Saturday (267km & just over 9 hours moving time), which was really fun. Spent Sunday recovering from that (and eating. So much eating), hung out with my sister & her kids for the afternoon and finished the Control DLC in the

Yesterday was.....difficult. It’s back to work though. While I haven’t had much appetite for scripted tv shows lately, I’m still not sure how I feel about police-related media. Even for something like Brooklyn 99, which I love. 

Well, I did it. I finished Doom Eternal. I had significantly more of the game left than I thought. Probably about seven hours yesterday went to getting to the end. Also, does it even count? Because, I’m ashamed to say, I used the Sentinel Armor on the last phase of the final boss. It was coming up on 1am. I was

Funny you should say...