

One of us.

I didn’t know that game existed, so now I’m anxiously awaiting the Switch port.

Got me some Tony Hawking to do, for sure. Played for a while last night. I don’t think I’m ever going to be as into it as I was back in the day, but I can see it becoming a medium rotation game that I just pop on for a bit when I’m undecided about what to play. Currently that falls mostly on Geometry Wars 3. Also, I’m

I am so glad a new generation gets to experience these games in such a sweet form. Hell yeah.

Work has gone from zero to sixty real quick. I had a bunch of projects in limbo because the customers weren’t bothering to validate. Which is fine since I get paid either way, so on Monday I kicked the tires like I do every week to CYA, not expecting anything to change. Instead, everybody suddenly remembered that

First day of not doing a toxic work process that eats my soul for the first time in 6 months. The day feels a little off, you know? Like, I’m not being ground into a fine paste that has a thousand and one uses, and the day just doesn’t seem right.

Had to run by Target for some things we can only get there. People in that place were not even trying to distance. By the time I got to self-checkout, I was out of patience. Had two women crowding right up on me. “Look, I work with the public. I am the LAST person you want to be around right now.” Suddenly,

I do wonder how one particular job would’ve turned out, had I established myself first!  On the other hand, maybe it would have been even more risky.  Hopefully if they know of my reputation, I can convince them I’ve been reformed....  ;)

I ended up firing up the New World alpha last night. I expected to play for maybe an hour, but I played for a little over two. I don’t think it does anything particularly exciting, but I did enjoy the setting and the MMO grind, which it has in spades. For some reason, equipping a hat made my mustache disappear. They

Skryim. I now essentially control all criminal enterprises, being the head of both the Thieves’ Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. Vex and Devin are easy to put off, but the Night Mother, not nearly as much so. I’m considering pursuing training as a bard, as that would allow me to travel even more freely than I do now.

I’m not sure what I’m going to play this weekend. I’ve got so many things on deck, Paper Mario, The Messenger, Quake Arcade, Control DLC, Animal Crossing, plus a million other things. It’s been a long week again. OT started sometime yesterday and I am doubtful about my ability to mentally unplug from work this

I don’t go to many movies, but I absolutely cannot imagine sitting in a theatre right now. That just sounds insane. I can’t imagine risking my health to see a movie.

No movies will be seen unless they are available for streaming. Got yet another busy day with work :(

The last movies I saw in theater pre-corona were Birds of Prey (opening weekend) and the Weathering with You fan screening. Yes, I dragged my dad to both and have the posters hanging in my studying area.

Between New Mutants in theatres (even though nobody is going to watch it) and charging $30 to stream Mulan (on top of a Disney+ subscription), Disney is really taking the piss these days. I get it, they’re a corporation (which just announced that furloughs are now indefinite and their executives are going back to full

Well, I didn’t find out if winning five in a row in fall guys works across multiple sessions because not only did I choke in Hex A Gone in my first game, but I had my worst skid of fall guys losses in a while. Just atrocious. At one point I got to the finals and just as the fall mountain countdown began, there was a

Forget bottle caps, my current apocalypse currency is French fries I don’t have to make myself. They who fry the fries control the wastelands!

That sandwich sounds like too much. Sometimes an idea crosses from “amazingly decadent” into the realm of disgusting, and that sandwich falls on the wrong side of the line. Hell, I don’t think Guy Fieri would got that far, and if you’re more extreme than that asshole you’ve gone horribly awry. On the other hand, I

Oh man, nothing nearly that good as those pictures, but I made up some beet/bean burgers with a pack of spiralized beets that I bought at... some point.. for... some reason, and they turned out surprisingly edible. Did not want to hold together super well, but that just means they crumble better if we want to use them