Stop trying to lure me back into the hunt!
Stop trying to lure me back into the hunt!
Happy birthday! I’m jamming with a buddy this weekend as well and looking forward to it.
I started The Sinking City this last week. The game is the definition of a mixed bag. The systems are overwrought and poorly explained. Combat is kind of clunky and I am generally avoiding it. The graphics struggle to render most of the time in the city. On the positive side, once I got used to the investigative parts…
I started Dark Souls but was having trouble getting used to the movement speed after playing Bloodborne and Sekiro. I stopped around when you get to Blighttown but will likely pick it back up when I finish DS3.
I had thought it was a previous version of Lothric, so you could see that the current version in the main game was always doomed to fail, as the cycle they have created for themselves always ends in cataclysm.
I only played a little this last week, as I actually ended up seeing some friends for the Superbowl (the game itself was boring) and for dinner later in the week.
Varietals are the spice of death
I put my PS4 Control save on permanent hiatus so I could download the PS5 version from plus and play it on the new generation once I decide to get one. I like the game a lot, but even my PS Pro is struggling to make it look decent sometimes.
It is very spooky, which is enough for me to push forward. Even the boring protagonist isn’t weighing me down too much (although I gained a little respect for him when his first instinct was to pick up a board with nails in it to defend himself).
That makes sense, if only I could have people over these days... Instead I am just taking regular breaks with Tsushima, whose controls feel like cutting through butter with an knife when compared with the carving rock with a spork controls of SH.
Over the week I started Silent Hill 2: HD. The game’s controls are terrible, and I still did not understand what all my available actions were even after looking at the controls menu. The game’s camera angles are even worse. Yet, I still want to keep playing, as I am a bank that accepts atmosphere and tension building …
Bloodborne is THE replay game for me. I am finishing up Dark Souls 3 and, while that game is fun and challenging, it really just made me want to play Bloodborne again.
I have not played SH1, so it doesn’t change my plans to play them in order per se, but it is good to know. Thank you!
My mom is from NC and would 100% say almost that exact phrase to me whenever I was lollygagging as a kid.
Looking forward to it! I also have Soma and Resident Evil 2: Remastered on my short list for the next horror games I plan to play.
I couldn’t bring myself to beat Isshin since I had just spent almost 6+ hours beating the Rage Orangutan, so Sekiro remains unfinished for me. Good luck!
The ending is the worst part of RE7, so you’re not missing much. I imagine the final twist is candy for RE veterans, but I had no idea what was going on or what its significance was.
Your last sentiment is so true. With Bloodborne as my first From game, playing the original Dark Souls felt like I had been dipped in quick dry cement.
Not only did I beat Sister Freeze and the Fire Father (with a little help from a friendly phantom) in Dark Souls 3, I also defeated the Naked Mole Dragon and Iudex: Redux. I am now working my way through the Ringed City DLC, and I have to say this is my least favorite part of the game. To call the stretch before the…
I did find myself wishing for more Kenji missions. But if they cut his missions to include more Masako missions that is OK be me.