
I have completed most of the Ashes DLC in Dark Souls 3. Highlights: going toe-to-toe with the massive Vikings and winning tradeoffs with a sliver of health left. Lowlights: flymen and birdmen. I am now facing the Take Your Daughter to Work boss at the end. I was trying to absorb all the damage and hit back, a strategy

Same, definitely my top game of 2020 and easily top 3 of the last gen consoles as well. The themes of dealing with loss were so resonant with me last year that I had to take occasional breaks from the game to grapple with how it was making me feel (I say that in the most positive way possible). I imagine I will

I had tried invading people before to get those covenant rewards, but had mixed feelings about that process. Being summoned to help people beat a tough boss was very rewarding though, both in the way it made me feel and the extra spells, embers, and souls I received.

Not sure if it’s the same in Dark Souls, but in #3 there are covenant alters you can offer the tokens to for rewards. The sun tokens give you a couple miracle spells (damage reduction boost spell, and a greater lightning damage spell). Other covenants give different rewards (spells, weapons, the ability to reallocate

In Dark Souls 3, I posted up outside Dragonslayer Armor and helped people beat that boss to get those sun tokens. I had basically never played online co-op in a souls game before, and it was actually a blast! My record with the boss was 29 wins, 9 losses due to death of the host, and 5 losses due to my own death.

Dark Souls 3 is pretty fun, with a few parts that are a slog. I must admit the Dark Souls story/setting is too abstract for me to really pay attention and know what is going on. Bloodborne lore, on the other hand, engrossed me and I did some extracurricular reading to better understand that story.

Working on Dark Souls 3. I just got my Exile Great Sword to +10 (the thing shreds) and am now in the Grand Archives doing said shredding. I am thinking of investing into faith in the DLC and NG+, and I want those faith spells from the sun cult, so I will probably post up a summons outside the Dragonslayer Armor to

My entry into soulsborne games was Bloodborne, and it will likely remain my all time favorite. Here is my list:

Dark Souls 3 has been distracting me away from Ghost of Tsushima recently. I am currently making my way through the Church of the Deep, which is waaay better than the fart swamp, with my Dex/Faith build.  However, this weekend I will be focusing on Tsushima in an effort to try to finish that before I get some new open

I was just going off of videos I had seen and everything looks pretty fall-like, with a lot of browns and reds. It seems like that was a sample size issue though, so thank you for letting me know it isn’t all dreary.

I was playing Dark Souls: Remastered to occasionally take a break from the Ghost of Tsushima endgame but, over Thanksgiving weekend, Dark Souls 3 was on a super sale and now all of a sudden I am switching between the two Dark Souls games. It’s fun to see the references between the two games (I had played DS3 before

I am still working my way through Ghost of Tsushima, but I am getting close to finishing the game. While this may be one of my favorite games ever, I still find myself dragging near the end here, as I am so wont to do on all games.  My buddy just got the game as well, so maybe we can try out the new cooperative mode

I will be sad to see this daily thread go, as I enjoyed posting about video games or whatever mundane or crisis event that was bugging me on a given day. I will be checking out the daily music thread but will probably be less likely to post over there. Thank you to all the writers and commentators here!

My friend has a huge projector in his basement rec room, so I am taking my PS4 set up on the road over there tonight to play the new COD and some Diablo 3. I am also going to force him to play some Ghost of Tsushima, a) because he really likes Assassin’s Creed and I think he would like this game, and b) because it’s

I missed the comic book topic yesterday, so I wanted to address that today. I recently got into comics with a lot of extra reading time on my hands and I have been thoroughly enjoying them so far. I just read the first volume The Immortal Hulk and it’s pretty good. The beginning starts almost as a cautionary tale

Despite having an extensive backlog, I am highly considering buying Tony Hawk so I can do all the pro-skatin’ that these kids are so hyped about. If I decide to not buy it (unlikely), then I will be working on Ghost of Tsushima, exploring south of the Golden Temple, or having a buddy over to tag team Doom (we doubled

I am surprised it did not happen sooner, given the history of panic attacks with my dad and my mounting anxieties about basically everything under the sun, but I finally had a sudden full-blown panic attack early yesterday morning and ended up taking a personal day. It lasted for most of the early morning, coming in

I always do the bard college first, as I find it to be the most rounded of large guild quests (and Solitude just has the most and best shops and I usually use that as my home base in the beginning.) 

I will be playing some Ghost of Tsushima tomorrow, looking to wrap up somethings around the Golden Temple and then head south to explore more. Then my good friends are about to go on an extended road trip so I will be going over to their place to grill and see them off. I suspect I may be too hung over for games on

I had a tough day yesterday, so no video game playing. I am going over to my friend’s house tonight for some grilling and am looking forward today. I will get to some more Ghost of Tsushima this weekend.