
After about 10 years of being relatively good about my diet, I fell off the wagon and hit the red meat hard for about a month. And while I love burgers and burritos and all things grilled, I know that’s a sure fire way to cut 10 years off my life given my family history. Now I am back to my more regularly scheduled

Hope she has a speedy recovery!

It’s so much more relaxing and freeing to explore in Tsushima than Nioh, and honestly I feel like combat is secondary in the game to enjoying the view and learning about villagers’ lives/woes. That said, the combat is fun and based off of stances and combos, and just looks slick all the time. I like Nioh in theory,

With my unwillingness to go shopping as often, I have been a heavily dedicated leftovers eater the past few months. It’s great on my wallet but definitely leaves me with occasional stretches where I am only eating a bunch of carbs and protein, but lacking food items with other nutritional value. So I have been

It’s such a good game!  My PS Pro gets a little hot running it, but doesn’t whir or anything.

I am back in the office 1 day a week. Things I don’t like: riding the bus to work. Things I do like: AIR CONDITIONING!!

It’s a local chain called Emerald City Athletics.  I think I am going to dispute the charges with my bank and sick them on the gym to recover the funds.  

I thought the forcing me to come in in person was a particularly predatory business practice right now. Like how can you possibly think that policy is OK unless you have ulterior motives?

As two very different games that feel like they activate different parts of my brain, I have been having fun switching to and from Doom: Eternal and Ghost of Tsushima. Tsushima is a damn near perfect game to me so far, but Doom is just pure dumb fun and a good break from some of the more self serious parts of Tsushima.

After being holed up inside for most of the first half of summer, I have actually been able to scrape together some solid outside time in the back half, including multiple hikes and camping trips. Despite that, you are exactly right Ethan, this summer has blown. I normally am very social during the spring and summer

I had a wonderful camping trip over the weekend where I got to spend hours around and floating on Lake Cushman in WA. The only surreal thing is on Monday night, as we were going to bed, a 50-60 ft tree cracked at its rotted roots and fell on one of the tents in out neighboring camp sites. The man in the tent had a

I will be trying to take on a large portion of Ghost of Tsushima tomorrow. I have explored a lot and am now ready to take on a little more of the story line. I will probably be sprinkling in some Doom: Eternal when I am looking for something a little less reflective. Big news, I am finally getting my first haircut

For real. I cannot shake the feeling of dread every morning before I log in, even though it’s almost always not as bad as I am making it out to be.

I am looking forward to some chilling this weekend.  My work is really putting me through the ringer this week (as they often do when they find out I am taking any time to myself, as I am next week), so I am really looking forward to enjoying the sun a little and playing a LOT of Ghost of Tsushima.  Then I will have

I am taking a couple days off next week and will be making a short camping trip with my partner on the WA peninsula. She will still be working during Saturday and Sunday, and we just did a big cleaning of the whole apartment, so that means lots of video game time before going camping! Basically the perfect long

Doom 2016 was one of my surprise favorites from that year because, in large part because it was just so clean in its design. I have heard this complaint of over-bloatedness a few times, which is a shame, but Eternal was a gift so even if it never quite reaches the heights of the 2016 game I won’t be too bent out of

I watched the first Avengers vs. Thanos movie, which I am sure has a sub-title I don’t care to remember. And even though I can now tell a lot of the CGI already looks dated and shoehorned in at the last minute (I’m looking at you, all the scenes on Thanos’ dead home planet), the movie is still a blast because the cast

I definitely have the free time to to polish off Tsushima in a week, but I love the game so much already I have decided to play it episodically to try to savor what seems like not a very long game.

I can’t let the drinking effect my Honor! I’ll save the drinking for a more indiscriminate carnage game, like when I am playing some Doom: Eternal.

You have me wanting to play some Skyrim over here. My last character was a Djinn: Redguard with a one hand, abjuration (no armor allowed), destruction, and summoning magic focus. Kind of tough in the beginning, but oh so fun later on.