
My partner and I always do a healthy spring cleaning, as we both can’t stand clutter. Our PR for a goodwill/dump run was over 1000 items, including a couch and other furniture. It really makes a difference when you have to move, or when we were shuffling around all of our stuff during quarantine this year. It was

Yeah, I struggle to see how they could have done anything else to save the business. They pivoted the business model as hard as they could and they still just could not drum up enough profits, and are definitely losing profits to some of the weirder rules, like the one where you can’t dine with non-household groups.

My partner’s bar is almost certainly going to shut down when their PPP loan runs up. There’s just no traffic in downtown Seattle to support regular business and they have had to turn some business away due to some of Inslee’s more obtuse rules. She has done valiant job as the front-of-house manager and lone employee

I will be camping and grilling for my good friend’s bachelor party this weekend. While I am definitely looking forward to all that and being outdoors, I am also looking forward to coming back on Sunday to play Ghosts of Tsushima while I am hungover and eating a bunch of food!  It will be a good weekend in general!

It is pretty tough to reconcile how it seems like everything is happening and nothing is happening simultaneously. I have found that my trips out of town and in to nature has been the best way bridge the gap between these two states of being by providing some prospective, but then I feel kind of guilty for running

I live in an apartment building that was a motel built for the 1963 World’s Fair in Seattle. It’s kind of a funky building, with front doors that open on to a breezeway with a view of Mt. Rainier, and a massive shared patio space where people can sit in the sun but still be socially distancing themselves. The summer

Not related to cake, but related to celebrating, my best friend is having his bachelor party this weekend. We rented a large cabin that has grounds to camp on and plan to just chill and grill and drink. There was an iteration at one point that had us doing additional shenanigans (paint ball and a river float), but at

That’s fair, it’s definitely not stressful usually. However, there is sometimes a queasy feeling I get playing that game. I’m not sure if it’s the color pallete or just that I need to get out of Edgewater ASAP.

I do go the chalices before hand, and always end up fighting her twice in a row because of it, which is the most whack. My best run against her was my arcane build. Lightning threaded cane shreds her. However, I am currently on a Strength-into-Bloodtinge build which I know is going to be a pain in the ass. Maybe the

You’re making me want to get it! I have so many other games to play, but Ghosts just looks so beautiful and way more fluid and relaxing to play than my current backlog of Outer Worlds and Control.

I have a large backlog right now: Control (trying to clear the Benicoff TV); Outer Worlds (still exploring around Edgewater); current Bloodborne play through (at that Rom part of the game I always stall at); Doom: Eternal (not even started). So play one of those I guess? I also kind of want to buy Ghosts of Tsushima,

It’s funny, I recently have had a spate of Old Gregg (that sketch also hasn’t aged well, but the quotes are ingrained in my brain) memories pop up randomly, so maybe I will go watch some Mighty Boosh. Thanks!

It’s been tough to focus on work recently, especially as I mourn for the people of Portland as they battle the Department of Homeland Snatchers right now. I just donated to the ACLU to help sue DHS and acting director Chad Wolf to feel like I was doing something. I also got another high volume desk dumped on me to

My friend made a ton of ribs this weekend, with a few different flavorings. They were all good, but the rack he had just made a simple sauce for (basically just butter, brown sugar, and water, I think) was incredibly delicious. We were also close enough to a lake so we could go float in between rib flippings. Very

I have been trying to read Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James, and it’s been a pretty wild ride so far. Even when the narrator is in a more reality based setting for a chapter, there are a lot of surreal and dream like developments that can basically appear at any moment and concepts often go as fast as they

My good buddy moved in to a place a couple blocks away from me (literally under a 5 min walk) and got a new grill. Since I don’t have room for a grill at my apartment, I have been grilling a bunch with him recently and found a really nice local butcher to shop at together. I have also been on a pork kick and I made

Not cake, but my mom ordered me two surprise pies for my birthday a couple weeks ago and I just finished eating them (pretty much all by myself). She got me marionberry, which I ate for breakfast, and a strawberry rhubarb, which I ate as desert after dinner. I have to say that, to my surprise, I loved the strawberry

I have also driven down stretches of the OR coast, but never stayed anywhere, so I am looking forward to it. Plus there will be a lot of outdoor activities nearby that my elderly parents could participate in without worrying about crowds too much.

I have had to cancel my plans to see each my parents this year. They usually like to visit in the summer as it’s so nice in the NW this time of year. However, now we are just trying to figure out a way to meet up logistically that doesn’t involve flying or any drive that is too long to make in one day. Given those

Most of my family is in CA, so they are all being shut down again. My mom informed me that they were shipping Covid patients up from Southern CA to the Bay Area hospitals as hospitals in the LA area are at capacity. Washington’s numbers aren’t too bad in comparison with they rest of the country right now, but I