
My last toys that survived this most recent move were my Magic: the Gathering cards. I finally sold those though, so childhood officially over. I had cards all the way back to Beta set, so I probably could have got more for them, but I am relatively happy with the few hundred dollars I got. I met a guy in a Dick’s

The entire color palette is bright neon colors that make it seem like an older game, and the whole walking into town and talking to everyone to find quests is definitely clichéd. The character models are a lot better than Fallout: NV, but they are still pretty stiff moving and dead eyed. That said, it’s kind of nice

Currently on my bedside I have things that I am reading. I am halfway through Volume 2 of Coda by Simon Spurrier. It’s easy to say my favorite thing about the comic is the art, because it’s gorgeous, but it’s character focused story telling is growing on me. The other book I just started is Black Leopard, Red Wolf by

I have always done that same thing since I work a high volume job.  You are never going to get everything done, so all you can do is focus on 1 or 2 things at a time for higher quality work product.  It’s kind of a zen attitude about things, as thinking of future tasks causes anxiety so its best to live in the present

Happy birthday!  

I finished my taxes a couple months ago when I thought I had to complete them to receive the stimulus check (I literally received the stimulus monies as I was filling out my taxes, so that was misinformation). I have been able to save quite a bit of money with all the trip and plan refunds in addition to the stimulus

No games this weekend as I will be camping on Orcas Island for my birthday! I may play a little Horizon Zero Dawn if I can finish packing and cleaning the apartment for the cat sitter early this evening. I have definitely needed some time outdoors though, so I will not be missing games too much. I am kind of kicking

I finished Edith Fitch in two sittings on the same day. Although there would probably be a little value in letting each story set in briefly before moving on to the next one, which I definitely did not do. It’s a good game for a slow morning and/or afternoon though.

My music related life involves trying to get better at Cubase, which is a software that allows various different MIDI channels (you can even plug in other software as channels) and I use my Yamaha keyboard as the MIDI controller. The biggest issues I run into are all drum related, so I have been trying to get better

I am an Amazon hater and therefore a Whole Foods hater, but I would bet PCC carries that brand or something of similar quality. Thanks for the tip!

God, that sounds tasty. It almost makes me want to lift my moratorium on buying new kitchen appliances (there’s no room for any additions).  Thanks for the birthday wishes!

It’s been really (ok, relatively) hot in the NW this spring, even staying warm and humid on rainy days, so I have definitely been on the salad tip recently as a way to get vegetables in my diet without having to turn my oven on. Putting breadcrumbs and various kinds of seeds in the salad makes for some good textures,

My cats seem to like garbage as much as the toys I get them. I officially gave up when my friend brought them this gross ugly little mouse that had three eyes from a factory defect and they went freaking bonkers for it after snubbing the toys I had bought them.

Yesterday was the first grocery trip I have made in a while where I was just getting a couple random things for dinner, as opposed to food planned out for weeks. I was surprised at how hectic the QFC near by me was, as it had been pretty low key every time I shopped during quarantine. They have taken away some of the

I finally got them over the weekend! I was setting the traps up before hand but was getting greedy and trying to get both of the Sawtooths with the same traps.  I eventually found a good choke point where I could rain fire arrows down on them while they stumbled over my trip wires to get at me, but it took a little

I find myself jealous of my partner’s psychical work place that she can leave the apartment to be at. With her gone most of the day, it’s really only my devotion to my work and the two cats that are keeping me sane at this point. The days kind of bleed into one another as I realize that June is almost finished

It’s definitely the same two Sawtooths every time.  I will get both of them down to near scrap piles and then one will just go buck wild and I will get clipped and die pretty much instantly.  I am trying to set traps up, but it’s tough to get it so both of the machines eat the traps, usually just one of them sets all

Working my way through Nora territory in Horizon Zero Dawn. There are a pair of Sawtooths that have killed me a few times, so at this point it’s personal vendetta. Sorry All-Mother, you can only get tag teamed so many times before feeling violent about it.

Ooo, the killing animals for upgrades to carrying pouches is a good tip. I had not figured that out yet and was already getting a headache about how few inventory slots I have.

I finally have a landlord that I respect, is helpful and obviously interested in building community instead of flipping apartments for profit, which would make my record 1/10 for good landlords in Seattle at this point. I am just thankful he can still replace my stove (not a new one, but a nicer used one) the same day