
King County is also applying to enter Phase 2. My partner’s bar has had to completely change business models as, even if they were operating at full 25% or 50% capacity allowed, there is no way they could be profitable on the old model with these phase limitations. Their first day open was a relative success, but it

I would not say I am entirely a “morning person” as I definitely like a day where I have time to sleep in, but I probably get my best work done in the morning hours. We are having classic NW summer right now where it storms and rains in the morning and then is absolutely gorgeous in the afternoon, which makes it even

Normally I complain heavily during June about the NW rain, but honestly at this point I am OK with rain if it means we don’t have as bad a fire season this year. I don’t know if I can take a hellish smoke-scape in August on top of coronavirus and lil’ bunker boy pretending to give a shit about Seattle local politics

It’s truly disheartening that she has been negotiating on behalf of the police this whole time, sticking up for them gassing and bombing citizens for almost two weeks straight. SPD could not even get 48 hours into their 30-day tear gas ban before authorizing its use again, making what was already kind of an insult and

Despite only being in Phase 1.5, I have seen a lot of restaurants and otherwise re-opening for outdoor business again. My partner’s bar/restaurant is going to re-open next week, albeit in a completely different capacity than before, emphasizing take out food and cocktails, outdoor eating, and imported high end

To top it all off, it turns out he has a brother that works for the police department (his own admission) at the specific Eastern precinct where the protest he drove into was occurring.

That would be Seattle PD.

Word is the guy was wearing a Proud Boy sweater and immediately gave himself up to the cops, with a picture of him even giving the cops a thumbs up as they took him into custody.

I went to a few protests over the week. I was worried I was going to be anxious the whole time, but being around people who were passionate and caring melted the fear of the crowd instantly. The most action was Saturday night in Capitol Hill, where SPD used dispersal tactics almost immediately after I got there. SPD

My stomach was turning all day yesterday and I was looking for outlets on how to help and ended up donating to a few bail funds and other organizations in the NW and nationally. I also checked in on my Sister-in-Law, who is a black American, and I am embarrassed I had not done it sooner. She is OK, but understandably

I did not feel very courageous this weekend, as I could not bring myself to get over my current anxiety of being outside in large groups enough to go out and protest. I was near and around the Seattle protests this weekend and was able to shout some words of encouragement, but my proximity was all in relation to

It’s dumb how excited I am. Somehow spending basically every minute of every day with someone for at least a month can really make you appreciate being alone for a few hours, even if being together wasn’t really bad in any way.

It looks like I will have the apartment mostly to myself this weekend (first time in about 10 weeks!) so I will be pushing to wrap up Death Stranding, maybe switching to Control here and there.  I have really been itching to buy another game from my list, but am also trying to tell myself to be patient as I will

I have been making a bunch of salads recently as they are cheap to make, I get some green vegetables in my diet easily, and you can make a simple change to one ingredient (usually the home made dressing) and the meal will seem substantially different. Then I have usually been grilling some meat and will have that with

The Outer Worlds and Doom Eternal were both on my gift list, so probably one of those.  Doom may be the polar opposite of Death Stranding, so maybe that’s the best one to get into, but I put Outer Worlds higher on my list.

I suspect I will be having the same struggles after I finish Death Stranding. I am at the Benicoff TV in Control, so I will probably go back to playing that, but I may also get a more fun (read less existential) game for my birthday coming up.

The news has definitely been bugging me recently. I oscillate from wanting to be informed about what’s going on and acknowledging that I just feel better during the day when I don’t look at non-pop-culture news. Some good news, my partner’s bar/restaurant is reopening in a couple weeks, but they are completely

I am almost out of my 20s here and have definitely grown this past decade. I was extremely responsible and overworked in high school, and then had several years of partying built up in me during my early 20s, and now I am slowly working my way back to responsible and overworked again so it’s a return to form.

I like to imagine they incinerate the room and reprint it after each usage.

I just got to Episode 9 of Death Stranding and Norman Reedus definitely needs a shower.  I had planned to press on but got an invite to go camping with my friend who knows all of the best unofficial spots.  Tough to say no to a chance to be outside and still away from most people!