But it’s unclear what lesson Hulu will learn.
But it’s unclear what lesson Hulu will learn.
“Considering that Lang’s story is heavily impacted by his lived cultural experiences as a Chinese man, a film about his life should ideally include prominent involvement from creators that harbor intimate knowledge of (or, you know, have also lived) that experience. Instead...”
I watched a movie on Peacock’s free service a week or two ago. The movie ran about 90 minutes and there were about 2 minutes total of commercials. It ruled.
What was left out of the article are a few pertinent facts about Carvana.
The concept is clearly profitable, but the owners are keeping the profits for themselves instead of allowing the business to show the profit.
If 63% of people were able to name the number of Jews murdered, that’s exceptionally high actually. Lots of people are bad at numbers. E.g. from this article, “...found that 23 percent, or one in ten” ... Like it could be a “typo” to add the word “percent”, but you’d think you’d catch that if you understood basic maths
found that 23 percent, or one in ten, respondents said the Holocaust was either a complete fabrication or that the number of deaths had been greatly exaggerated,
A world without editors is a VERY SAD PLACE. Aside from the fact that 23% is considerably more than one in ten, which I certainly wish had been obvious before you hit post, the original Vice article actually reads “One in 10 young Americans believes that the Holocaust never happened, while almost a quarter — 23% —…
Over 50 countries are now requiring people to wear masks in public, enforceable by fines or jail time in some instances. The U.S. just has shitty enforcement.
Based on every metric, both quantitative and qualitative, that has ever been or will ever be conceived of in all of history in this universe and any other universe, multi-verse or any other plane of existence that has ever been or will ever be, this series is nowhere even remotely close to 500 days of Kristen.
Why is this site continuing to harass someone who has very recently struggled with addiction and mental health issues? Who thinks this is fun? This is just mean girl shit. And lazy.
Counterpoint, this level doesn’t suck, you suck.
My theory: I doubt she read the article itself. I’m guessing she read a post about the article on another site or saw something in one of her feeds. I’m not sure she even bothered to read whatever post she found beyond paraphrasing its title and copying its link to the locating the Esquire article’s URL.
“Joan is funny”
Joan is great at that.
It’s not even shade. It’s just passive aggressive bratty whining.
Poptimism was a mistake
Convincing proof that it’s basically impossible for a famous act the studio wants to push to not get huge airplay on its next album.
David Dobrik has like 18 million subscribers on YouTube, and every one of his videos has views in the millions. He tours college campuses like any other act, he sells merch, and he has sponsors—none of which would be possible if he didn’t have strong brand recognition with at least one demographic. He also just bought…