
To what end? 

Kind of getting old, the bratty pessimism they constantly throw out to the wind

M4A is a pipe dream. It’s pretty obvious from the tone of this article how difficult it was for you to offer lukewarm praise for the man you claim you’ll be voting for. This was one of the best acceptance speeches we’ve ever seen from a nominee and certainly the best speech Biden has ever delivered. I don’t know if

Even now, the best that Jezebel can do is deliver snide, passive-aggressive “praise”. He “did what he needed to do” says it all.

In other words its like 8O% of all jobs in the US.

As soon as I see her name as the author I know I’m going to be annoyed. She can’t seem to be happy with anyone.

About the premise of that podcast....I don’t know what kind of person cracks open their old children’s books to hunt for things that offend them now, but that kind of person needs help.

It’s weird that this attempts to say that female fans are mocked by using obsessive male sports fans as the counterpoint. The male sports hyper fan is basically a cultural shorthand for ‘middle aged, overweight, professional underacheiver’ and has been for decades. Nobody outside if the fandom looks at ‘fireman ed’ or

While male fandom often centers around properties or fictional beings, the female-driven fandoms in Fangirls are centered around flesh and blood.

How do you know enough to know that they aren’t terrible instead of people who have yet to be outed as terrible, though - especially because the amount of media to consume is so large?

I have ALWAYS felt that the art and the artist are two separate things. Not to mention some of these guys do things for strictly “shock value”. I LOVE Marilyn Manson’s music ( specifically the older stuff ), but I have NOTHING to say about him as a person because i don’t know him on a personal level. Frankly he can

Jesus, I only skimmed the article and I feel dumber for reading even that much. This is some classic AV Club “An Overprivileged White Girl Who Is Nominally Attractive Said It, Therefore It Must be Art” crap.

Get over the fact that other people, even people you like, won’t have the same opinion as you. Cancel culture is stupid.

The Briahna Joy Grays of the world. Basically, the people who felt Jason Johnson was talking about them (which is why he’s no longer at The Root).

Wow you guys are really bad at your job... Like REALLY REALLY bad

Joe Biden, hardly a man who has inspired excitement”

It’s ok everyone. All Kamala Harris has to do is briefly talk about wet ass pussies and suddenly Jezebel will be writing positive but superficial articles about her left and right. Then we don’t have to read these painful “deep dives” that just illustrate how clueless the writer is.

Karen Bass? She was the “anti-Kamala,” pitting two Black women in opposition to one another.

Left unspoken are the precise reasons why we’re talking about a woman as vice president instead of, well, as president.

How do we reconcile this attitude toward Biden’s nomination and his selection of Harris with the reality that Black women represent the voting base of the Democratic party and that their votes propelled Biden to securing the nomination?