
‘Authenticity’ in food is bullshit anyway. The history of humanity since the beginning has been movement across the globe, and with it the mixing of cultures and ideas and flora and fauna. So basically all food is fusion.

And pretty much entirely ignores all of the problematic things she does and says.

Yeah I never understood how Cardi is where she’s at. I honestly think she’s a crappy rapper with a terrible flow. She’s loud and obnoxious too. Her rap delivery sounds like a 12 yr old illiterate. I love me some Meg but disappointed she did a rap with her.

“Cardi can’t rap worth a damn and it’s noticeable as hell when she’s performing with someone who can.”

For real. Listening to it my first thought was not to question its morality or to laud its depiction of female sexuality but was “Cardi can’t rap worth a damn and it’s noticeable as hell when she’s performing with someone who can.” I also thought Kylie Jenner would try to spit bars and she didn't so that was

Why is Jez denigrating to the level of National Review and still has VP Harris as someone that “accepted the rose”? WHAT THE FUCK? So if AOC got it, y’all be good?

That just about sums it up. The “hook” is just a generic trap beat we’ve heard countless times before, the video is more embarrassing than sexy, and all it’s really got going for it is the novelty value of how crass the lyrical content is. But I’m actually sort of relieved to see that the performative pearl-clutching

This song is really getting the Streisand effect working for it. It’s not particularly good or clever, but there’s some bizarre 90's puritan outrage promising to make it one of the most notable songs of the year.

“Kamala is a Cop” memes and shit is not “legitimate criticism.” Lawyers gonna lawyer. AG is a common way to get into politics. Whatever. I don’t love everything about her but will I take her over literally anyone involved in the Trump administration, ten times over? YES.

It was made weirdly melodramatic by the media and by social media. It was not inherently weird or melodramatic. Camera crews didn’t follow Joe Biden around on meet and greets with his short list. Rather, as soon as he announced he’d pick a woman as a VP, other people sexualized the selection process with disturbing

Splinter might be dead, but Jez is still alive.

You don’t have to look further than G/O sister sites to find that shit.

She’s big mad because Bernie didn’t win.

Someone needs to tell these transphobes to make some mediocre rap music if they want Jezebel to give them a pass.

Didn’t she assaulted women, because she thought they are sleeping with her husband?

their concern about being confronted for not wearing a mask in public has led them to avoid going going out:

For fucks sake, this. Yesterday: Shame someone for not wearing a mask. GOOD! Today: Shame someone for not wearing a mask. BAD.

I can’t hear you with Elon’s dick in your mouth.

Calm down, Elon.