
Joan is just the fucking worst. The worst.

Jane Goodall is actually on my short list of people I DO want to hear from on Earth Day.  She’s far more qualified to speak on it than anyone writing on this site.  So typical of you to make randomly negative comments like this without backing it up.

Wasn’t this particular science experiment a social media trend about a month ago?

The obsession with this child is just weird.

Oh I get it. The title was ironic.

Jezebel pieces are written aaaalmost like a normal newspaper article sometimes, but then you get lines like “Many still unfairly hold Sanders accountable for Clinton’s defeat in 2016.”

Many still unfairly hold Sanders accountable for Clinton’s defeat in 2016, and his tendency to avoid certain niceties—singing the Democratic party’s praises, buttering up the press—made him an abrasive figure for some.

I’ve got quite a few years of pizza eating under my belt (literally), almost all of which being of the tomato sauce variety, and while I’ve encountered many literally dripping with grease, I’ve never run into one dripping with “juice”.

I think the problem most people have isn’t with “the mere mention of a Marxist analysis on the subject,” it’s with calling out individuals like this for merely participating in the capitalist system, when Bell and Shepard are not the villains here and in fact trying to be good landlords. And that Dirt Bag, where most

it should be easily agreed upon that accumulating rental profit from the wages of people likely making far, far less than you is at best a tad questionable.

I’m not sure if Joan is attempting to be an agent provocateur or if she truly believes it’s wrong for anyone to own property and charge rent. Nevertheless, I don’t think we can all agree that accumulating rental profit from the wages of people likely making far, far less than you is at best a tad questionable.

I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.

This honestly isn’t true, because the demographics Sanders has staked his campaign on are unreliable voters. They couldn’t even carry him to the Democratic nomination, much less carry him to victory in a general election. Frankly, as much as it pains Bernie’s fans to hear, Biden has more of a chance of appealing to

Bernie’s supporters always seem to approach his candidacy as if it’s an inherent reality that young people are better, or more worthy, or more valuable. Votes, in the end, are valuable, and all people are valuable, as everyone’s effort to shelter and protect the elderly happens now. WHY does Biden need to win over

Let’s distill this down a bit: Understandbly, black Americans have long-standing trust issues with the government and the politics said government lives in. To say we’ve been let down more than once is an understatement. We’ve had entire government policies and programs built specifically to exclude us, built

I’ve already seen them come out.
However, if Warren is spoiling Bernie’s votes, Bloomberg is most definitely spoiling Biden’s. If you take Warren’s and Bloomberg’s respective votes and allot them accordingly, Biden would have swept all but California I believe.

“...and also appeared to confuse his wife with his sister.”

You’ve written a blog that basically endorses his “plan” by listing all the proposals without any analysis whatsoever. Anybody could get this information straight from Bernie’s web site, so why did you go to the effort to duplicate it?..well, because you’re trying to “spread the word” about how he will accomplish all
