How’s the dental?
How’s the dental?
Bezos sucks. He’s up there with Zuck, however, this whole thing (based on what Emily chose to siphon) amounts to nothing other than ill-informed whining from a low-level employee.
This article has links to numerous polls that show Michael leveraging the Monmouth poll was some bullshit:
Justice and Marie are clearly running a competition for worst takes now that Joan has been sidelined.
The excitement over potentially having some* of their debt wiped out has certainly clouded many peoples minds here. The bigger issue with this is that without meaningful reform in higher ed this is a one time hand out that doesn’t solve the broader issue. But it certainly plays well with the “base.”
Never has perfect been a bigger enemy to good than with those two social media stars.
Will be looking forward to his post deriding AOC for her new Twitch channel...
Joan also managed to snark UNICEF in that very special way only Joan can.
Right? She has personality, that is great and all, but does not a good artist make.
Given the inordinate amount of press she receives for doing the absolute bare minimum, it would make the most sense that a new age payola is underway. Jez alone publishes between 2 and 20 posts on anything she does.
The problem is that the 14 isn’t the denominator. Looks like Justice had some trouble parsing the article she lifted this from.
I, too, am bothered by people being potentially happy with one another when I desire them all to be miserable.
It is common everywhere (especially in Texas where fajitas originated) to get a platter of pico, sour cream, lettuce, cheese and guacamole for your fajitas.
Nah, you can definitely say Hazel is wrong. Even ignoring that Office Space is clearly a comedy and not a drama. Peter is almost the proto “beta.” Even when he begins standing up for himself it is in no way connected to masculinity.
I’ve got a distant cousin who is a Statie in NH. He would tell stories about rolling up to a car he pulled over and the guy goes into the center console and his hand is already on his gun ready to draw. Almost invariably, they are going for registration or wallet. He only ever mentioned one time a guy had a gun there.…
Is disarming the police (largely) off the table? The average beat or traffic cop has no use for a firearm 99.5% of the time and even that may be generous. The militarization of the police force begets militarized responses.
And now we have Sunday Lunch.
Still up and likely will never be corrected. However, Joan has proven time and again to be terrible and useless.
Use your Maseca to make pupusas and enjoy.
This is inexplicably getting solid reviews, despite being pretty bad. There isn’t much tension, nor scares. It’s treatment of women, after the open is astonishingly stupid. It seems to want to say “believe women” while undermining the very concept.