
Nah it was ugly and tacky AF.

It is not a cool, good, fun look. She is just wearing a giant ugly black tee with the ass cut out of it.When she has her hands raised, as in the included picture, she is about as square and boxy looking as SpoungeBob SquarePants.

But, like, how else is she supposed to even try to slake her massive thirst?  She’ll never get all the attention that she craves if she doesn’t get her ass out at every possible opportunity.

Maybe Marnie’s still getting used to making up the questions that she’s gonna answer?

“With carne asada, we’ve had trouble sourcing enough beef that meets our ‘food with integrity’ guidelines,”

This has to be a joke, right?

i like how everybody is up in arms about plastic straws, but all of you fucking heathens keep buying k cups. 

“I’m Upset: Do not give me ketchup packets.”

Doctors have told me over the years that I have “good genetics” as a way to explain my high metabolism. I’d say that having a high metabolic rate is akin to “hitting the genetic lottery.” Ditto a low baseline appetite. Not in the hard science sense, but I know that I have a way fucking easier time keeping weight off

As a Californian I was really looking forward to voting for her

This article explicitly cites a number of plausible explanations as to why Harris proved deeply unpopular as a candidate for national office: “disorganization and lack of a clear, compelling vision, not to mention her spotty history as a prosecutor.” The article then abruptly drops this line of analysis to attribute

The only thing I could think about when looking down this “films the AV Club didn’t review” list was how many Great Job, Internet articles have run this year.

Good actor makes unimportant and too personal announcement of personal hygenic mistake. Pop Culture website covers it as part of faux-ironic feature. Idiot clicks and makes not particularly smart comment. Earth continues to rotate on axis. 

Yep that’s my experience these days too.  Almost every time I go out to eat at a decent place it’s with a female friend and I’m pretty sure they never give the bill to one or the other of us, they just put it in the middle.

Whether it’s legal or not, it’s pretty rude. Especially if the person doesn’t even know they’re being photographed.

I disagree; he is participating in a quote-tweeted exercise explicitly soliciting unpopular food opinions. (Thus, the fact that it is him who thinks so and not God Almighty is baked into the cake, as it were. He doesn’t have to say it again.)

So a person gave their opinion when asked for unpopular opinions and people are this up in arms? I wonder how bad it would be if this was something that was actually important?

“for the table,”

People will always go to bat for abusers when they know them and work for them, just ask the men at Deadspin about the lengths they went to shield their coworkers from criticism from allegations that they sexually assault women. Bringing it up got me banned over there and put into the greys on Jezebel, because

Do your research: If you don’t understand the first reason you receive, dig deeper. Ask “why” five times.