
Considering that 10,000 years of agriculture had humans consuming wheat products every day just to survive, the idea that a gene for gluten intolerance was passed on is interesting, since you’d think the people with it would have died at a young age and not reproduced.

“ In the past few years, the concept of emotional labor has gone mainstream on social media and in articles that revive and expand the idea, with the term moving out of the workplace and insidiously into our homes.”

Yes, that sometimes happens with words in a language. A word that started with a particular definition

The abuse of this term is simply an indicator of how selfish and narcissistic our society has become. A friend simply asking you to be a friend to them in a time of need now requires “consent agreements” and notifying everyone around you of what a burden you’re forced to carry, listening to a friend that needs a

So now you’re including rumored and “potential” candidates in the rankings along with prank candidates like Williamson? How are we supposed to take that seriously?

I am also a fan of that significantly more expensive vehicle. 

I was wildly disappointed by Lady Bird.  Saw it a few months after the hype machine had hyped the shit out of it.  It’s just ... ok.  

I didn’t really care for Lady Bird either. It was decent, but didn’t really excel at anything in particular.

I can agree with a lot of these entries, but I guess I just didn’t get or appreciate Spring Breakers the way some of the critics did. I found it downright unpleasant to watch, poorly acted, predictable, and I thought it tried to hard to be shocking.

Surprised that Short Term 12 hasn’t made it on many end-of-decade lists. Did you consider it at all?

It’s still their most popular show. This isn’t two decades ago, this is 2019 and GOT, unfortunately, had high viewership and critical acclaim.


So waste a dozen eggs and some frosting? 

Are you saying…the cake IS A LIE?

No, the worst is a 60 year old dating a 21 year old.

“Influencers" are a cancer on society. 

I think that to be a customer you have to exchange goods for services. Grifters looking for hand outs don’t qualify.

Well, that’s certainly one way to spin it. Another way to put it is that it was revealed that she’s a woman in a position of power who had an unethical and problematic relationship with at least one subordinate. I have no doubt that the people on this site would be clamoring for a resignation if she were a man, and I

Oh no a lot of women on Twitter, many of whom loudly proclaim themselves feminist, are flat out saying this is simply a “consensual affair” that’s no big deal and completely brushing off the subordinate part of it and the usual argument that this creates an inherently inappropriate power imbalance. A complete reversal

I’m perplexed at all the “double standard” cries from ostensible feminists on Twitter about how unfair she’s being treated over “consensual” affairs. She had sex with subordinates; feminists have argued for years this creates a power imbalance that calls into question how consensual said relations can truly be. Why

The problem with these types of superior-subordinate relationships is that even if it is legitimate, it will be rightfully questioned.