
it’s called working in academia. You know, the people who put their “pronouns” in their signatures in the first place.  At least it just to me, my buddy and I expected to get a call from HR.

He gives out pretzel carts to schools for fundraising activities. He travels all over North America spotlighting awesome locally owned businesses bringing them all sorts of free media. Magary interviewed him for GQ a few years ago and always talks about how much he likes Guy. Yeah, he’s a little on the douche-bro

It’s easy to make fun of Guy Fieri. Fun too. But the dude fed the firefighters and victims in the recent fires in Northern California and does a lot of other philanthropic work. Also, I would eat the f*** out of that kemosabe roll.

Multi-Grain is my favorite Cheerio, because of that hint of sweetness without tasting like an overly sugared cereal.

Then again, my favorite cereal of all time is Cracklin’ Oat Bran, so really, I’ve just been a curmudgeonly old man since my teens.

Between ranking Original above Honey Nut and putting Fruity at number one, I am inclined to think that you have literally no idea what you’re talking about.

Like sawdust. But, to be fair, it’s made with five (5) whole grains. So it has that going for it.

There are no human beings that are actually 5'11". If a man tells you he’s 5'11", he’s 5'10" and wants to be 6', and if a woman tells you she’s 5'11", she’s 6' and doesn’t want to intimidate the men who lie about being 5'11". 

I’m glad this ran a few hours after the Jezebel story of the guy dying from limb-lengthening surgery!

Amazing that you don't see the irony in your comment.

The youth tobacco use rate has been on a downward trend for decades, until e-cigarettes became common. It increased by about 40% between 2017 and 2018.

ONLY if you know you’ll be in the property for a long time and it definitely isn’t time to buy investment property. Real estate is overvalued currently similar to 2004-2006. Perhaps not quite as badly - but it is definitely overpriced in many areas. Not all, but many.

“I don’t associate with people who do shitty things, I do shitty things myself!”

I, too, lay awake at night worrying that shitty, violent people may have to face some consequences for their shitty, violent actions.

And that original Jezebel piece from March basically says that Duca will be teaching an NYU class in the summer and will be terrible at it.  Not surprising them if the students approach the class with that in mind.  What a bunch of horrible media assholes this whole story involves.  

How many people have half a million Twitter followers? That’s a substantial amount. 

On the one hand, Duca is overrated and sometimes problematic; on the other hand, Koul is really into takedown pieces (I used to follow both of them on twitter back when I gave a shit about twitter).

This shit is some boring New York-centric in-fighting.

Ya, you really have no right to call anyone’s work “basic” or “vague” after you crank out the word salad: “establish the imperative of interconnected motivations in the ideology of feminism and practice of journalism.”

All you did was take the Buzzfeed piece and rewrite it, using all of the best quotes the Buzzfeed writer got. How is that different from a 14-year-old kid rewriting a Wiki article for a homework assignment?