crop that down to just Angela’s reaction shot for a A+ gif. Crop Taraji’s for a A++. Combined the two are priceless.
crop that down to just Angela’s reaction shot for a A+ gif. Crop Taraji’s for a A++. Combined the two are priceless.
I predict this to become a very popular reaction gif. It’s hard to decide who’s beautiful face to watch so I just keep watching it over and over again.
Sorry but really just came to comment: GOD DAMN ANGELA BASSETT, HOW???? She is so beautiful.
Probably the best piece of writing I’ve read in years. It’s so rare when powerful insights are matched by such beautiful craftsmanship. My favorite example:
We are a country addicted to nostalgia, but with no regard for history.
We are a country addicted to nostalgia, but with no regard for history. Nostalgia is history without moral reckoning; it keeps people pining for golden eras that never existed and anticipating a future that will never materialize.
Jeff Sessions?
I, for one, am surprised the answer to that wasn’t “The spirit of the Necromancer rose from the corpse of Al Davis and entered the soul of Jerry Jones during a satanic ritual at the ‘Owners Meeting’ in New York.”
Pack it up, folks, we’re not beating this one.
“Flags. I fucking hate flags. You fucking hate flags. Everyone fucking hates flags.”
It’s also a neat monetary fact that, if you start with a penny and double it every day for an entire month, at the end of the month Sarah Huckabee Sanders will still be a total asshole.
Choke the Raven nevermore.
^^ Want to bet they’re not permitted to point out someone might be concussed?
They are still children? If they were Black they’d be tried as adults. Typical coddling of white people and then they wonder why we say they refuse to take responsibility for their fuck shit.
Let’s be real. That was totally the Browns.
Is it hilarious or sad that there’s more hand wringing over a simple protest gesture than there was after a player knocked his wife unconscious in an elevator and then dragged her down a hallway like a sack of trash?
I just love the concept of how many guys had to agree to this before the game even started and just how well it comes across. These kinds of celebrations just make you smile.