My Advice to You is to Start Drinking Heavily

I can totally see this happening! Of course as soon as he signs his body will begin to break down and he’ll become a shell of his former self immediately. Long time Knicks fan in case you couldn’t tell.

So you’re telling me that based on the call from Coffey there were grounds for the baristas’ dismissal?

Remember this is the person who “arguably” made a Nazi salute at the RNC:

Well, I did say supposedly,but you go:

While not racist, the phrase “rule of thumb” has some very troubling origins as well. Supposedly way back when, the “rule of thumb” was that you were allowed to beat your wife with a stick, but only if it was not as thick as your thumb.

Darth Suh!

No real Murican drinks beer through a straw! He’s an undercover libtard trying to make the true patriots look bad!

Aaannnd...he has a list!

His hair is weird.

Why don’t they just get it over with and move this team to Seattle?

No problem at all! I had to Google it myself.

He wrote it:

Thanks Trump!

What? No “likes” or “retweets”? Where’s the love???

Wait...why was it called “The Five” if there were six of them?

I see what you did there! :)

Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea? Don’t get me wrong, I like the results, but what administration official would approve this and not foresee this disaster???

Don’tcha get it? He’s saving the country millions by having Ivanka and Jared do everything instead of hiring “scientists” and “experienced experts.” They’re expensive!

It’s an oldie, but a goody. I’ve always heard it in the context of “summer in his mouth and summer in his pocket. ;)

He looks deranged.