My Advice to You is to Start Drinking Heavily

I thought it was just me!

He actually (though inadvertently) told the truth for once. He said “I don’t stand by anything.”

Finally, if you are going to say signs exhibit “snowflake sensitivity,” take a moment to think about how you are writing an angry letter to a newspaper about a lawn sign.

That’s a real Algonquin Round Table right there. You want the over or under on the cumulative IQ of this group being 600?

It was Casual Monday!

The police and paramedics were called around 1:30 AM. Chances are good that he might have had a bit to drink prior to trying to inhale all that fried dough.

Dude can PowerPoint with the best of ‘em, though!

It’s the “shoot first and ask questions later” approach.

Came back for this. Not disappointed!!!

“We won’t have these crowds if we don’t get this done,”

She has her father’s nose.

Rectum??? Damn near killed him!!!


So how much did this cost the American tax payers with all of the resources that were pulled into investigating this steaming pile of horseshit???

That 24 million number is actually very misleading, because a great number of the original 14 million that will lose insurance in 2018 will be dead by the time 2026 rolls around.

Unfortunately I had to use a similar service two of my cats. It doesn’t make it any easier, but one thing I was truly grateful for was that it removes the additional stress for the pet of having to be taken to the vet’s office. This is especially true for cats, as most will literally fight tooth and nail to avoid


Make Deadspin Good Again!

Where are all of the “FREEDOM OF RELIGION” folks when the government wants to desecrate sacred land with the Dakota Pipeline?

This is still the best Alabama related video: