Childish Callow Gleam

Oh God, that story about the person staring at the sun is nightmare fuel. 

Also the smell. Giles from Buffy does a good job explaining why screens are bad and books are good in an early episode, I cant remember it right now  but its right on. 

So you’re saying shifting my liver around isn’t going to help me live to 100 if my health insurance is shit and I’m washing down my Cheetos with IPA? Damn. Thought I was on to something.

A Dog’s Guide To Doing Your Taxes

We’re going to run out of these titles.

Pictured: every Centrist when it comes to actually doing the work

I don’t believe that AOC needs a softball interview. She’s a politician, she should be able to defend her positions. But I do think a challenging interview can be accomplished without condescension, and given the condescension she’s been hammered with since she rose in prominence... maybe it’s just Anderson, or maybe

You realize the climate threat is on par with what Lincoln and FDR did? Like there aren’t equal because they’re all different, but in terms of scope and necessity, the New Green Deal is vitally important.

Let me stop you right there: No one in politics should ever look silly.

Yeah I’m 100% in love now and would gladly die for her

If it gets out that socialism gives you beautiful shiny hair and bangs that actually look cute, the GOP is OVER forever. 

1.) This video makes her objectively awesome.

I unironically love this video. It’s silly and nerdy and if anything made me like her more.

Right? I need no further information.

Contains Gillian Anderson. Will watch.

I feel the best part of the new show is its simplicity, how it makes big things out of little moments. There’s a clip going around of people in a pub watching the show and collectively screaming in delight when Ryan finally refers to Graham as his granddad. Such a simple thing, but effective. 

I’m so sick of going to reddit and seeing threads about how the show is terrible because the show has always had X before but X is something that only RTD and Moffatt did.

the actual facts surrounding Parks and segregation in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955

Calling a season of Doctor Who that featured the partition of India a “right-wing whiteboy fantasia” just might be the mother of all hyperboles. You have an issue or two to resolve in your head, don’t you?