If one more stay at home mom on facebook bitches about being unrepresented and tries to sell me cheap, over priced jewelry or tupper ware, I'm going to go get pregnant AND go to nursing school AND get a teaching degree. Uhggghhh..
If one more stay at home mom on facebook bitches about being unrepresented and tries to sell me cheap, over priced jewelry or tupper ware, I'm going to go get pregnant AND go to nursing school AND get a teaching degree. Uhggghhh..
I would like to start out by saying that I know and love many nurses (my mom was one for 30+ years), I admire and respect the job they do, and Joy Behar is an idiot. Nurses are awesome!
But the thing is, her conceptualization of maternal/parental roles doesn’t really affect other people. Why should anyone be offended? What Kim Cattrall thinks about herself as a mother figure has literally zero bearing on someone else. It doesn’t take away from your position as a parent. So why bother with the…
Errbody got problems. It makes me sad that so many people seem content to only consider their own life/situation, as if their struggle is uniquely more difficult that someone else’s. Being a parent is a lot of work. So is writing your dissertation. So is working the overnight shift. So is being in a relationship. Man,…
Idk, I’m a mom and this doesn’t bother me at all. What she says makes sense. More importantly though, her discussing her interpretation of motherhood doesn’t take away at all from my being a mom to my kid. IMO the world needs more people like her who help to nurture other humans. It takes a village, etc etc...…
I think the problem with this is that she equates being motherly, and being a mentor, with being a literal mother. And no, no it is not the same.
Agree totally. Climb up on that cross because, you know, my life is a fucking cakewalk because I don’t have kids. *rage stroke*
I have to be honest that I’m getting annoyed with a certain segment of parents who see parenting as the hardest, most noble thing ever. That no person’s life can be completed unless they have children. That motherhood is the highest honor for a woman. If that is what someone wants for themselves, great but understand…
As a mom of one with another one on the way, I am totally fine with this. It takes a villages and thanks to all those women and girls that fill mentor roles.
She identifies Mom. Leave her alone.
I saw some comments on an article about this. As far as I could tell, some women who have pushed babies out of their vaginas saw it as an affront to their supreme sacrifice that anyone might compare what they’ve done to help others in life to actual Motherhood. It was like reading an entry on Shut the Fuck Up Parents…
woman does thing, is happy. society burns.
You know why I maintain that “some” need make up? BECAUSE THEY AREN’T ATTRACTIVE. Some people just aren’t attractive. Period. It’s really simple so don’t try to make it seem like it’s something else. Most of the ladies are cute without make up while some are just ugly and “need” it. Their after picture doesn’t even…
The women work in an industry in which they are judged solely on their attractiveness, yet HE’s the asshole for judging their attractiveness?
I’m 100% with you - some of these ladies aren’t attractive in the slightest before the make up job. These other commentators can bitch all they want but it’s true. The make up artist is truly talented. Or a witch using her witch magic and spells lol
White Zin is like the Kool-Aid of wine.
I’m not sure where you got that I was saying sweeter wines aren’t classy; I certainly tried very hard not to give that impression, and I’m sorry that I didn’t manage that better. Everyone likes what they like, and I stand by my assertion that the best wine is the one you enjoy.
Yes, it is. But not all rosés are like white zin. But white zin was marketed in such a way that the public has come to equate the two. Which is a shame.