
Here’s a blanket statement. I know it, and I don’t care.

It’s like a less fun version of Jenna Marbles’ drunk make up tutorial

how anyone does anything without a smoke in one hand and glass of merlot sloshing around in their empty stomach is beyond me.

Bottom line: if something about your chosen profession is at odds with your religious beliefs to the point that you cannot perform your job duties, GET A NEW JOB.

Seriously. I’m ok with them working out some sort of compromise that works for both parties. But I see no reason why she is entitled to retain a job that she refuses to perform all or some fraction of the duties for. Much less why she might perform fewer duties (placing greater hardship on her coworkers) without at

It’s tough one. But what if a Mormon flight attendant refused to serve coffee or tea? What if an FA who is vegetarian for religious reasons refused to hand out non-veg food on a transatlantic flight?

Well, clearly it was an undue burden considering her coworkers filed a complaint... Which is absolutely understandable. These cheapo flights typically only have 2 flight attendants and every similar flight I’ve been on has required that they both are handling 1/2 the cabin’s drink orders to accommodate everybody in a

Ugh, I’m sorry. That’s a terrible situation.

Thank you for continuing to make this point, seriously. I worked at a vet with another tech who decided at some point she didn’t want to handle cats. We lived in a conservative area and the vets were both lesbians and so was this tech, and I think they were afraid that she wouldn’t be able to find work. Fine I kind of

She did, however, refuse to do a large part of her job, and make her coworkers pick up her slack. No one was denied alcohol, but her coworkers suddenly had to a job and a half while getting paid the same salary she did for doing half a job. It’s an excellent arrangement for her, and I can see why she would fight tooth

It’s likely that a coworker complained that she wasn’t pulling her weight during drinks service. If the other tasks were necessary and she was essentially doing things that helped it’s one thing. It’s a whole other thing if she was just sitting by while her coworkers picked up the slack. I’d be a little miffed too.


Not quite the same thing, but when I was waitressing there was another girl working there who was underage and couldn’t serve alcohol. She worked the late morning/early afternoon shift so there weren’t a lot of heavy drinkers, but every time someone ordered a beer the bartender would have to bring it out to the table.

One of her co-workers objected. Since her refusal impacted their workload why should the airline favor a worker who refused to do all her tasks over one who did?

Definitely true. And airlines have generally cut back staff to the bare minimum. There is just no other job she could be doing. If you’re working in the galley, you’re stocking the bar carts with alcohol, if you’re picking up garbage, you’re taking half empty beer cans. Even if she’s trying to serve, other FAs then

I have no sympathy. I just don’t. Did she get screwed if there was a work around in place? Maybe, but unless every other flight attendant she could ever possibly work with is made aware of the special arrangement, of course they are going to assume she’s neglecting her duties. While it might not be the *primary*

I’m glad to see someone with first hand knowledge chiming in.

Exactly. We all have jobs we morally object to in some way, but we’re still required to suck it and do them. If you think you’re going to burn in Hell and be in your God’s bad books for serving alcohol, or pork, or touching a woman, or whatever the heck bullshit your books tells you, then maybe it’s time to update

Accommodation policies are generally meant to be temporary — at some point, you might be so overwhelmed that you really need all hands on deck. The last thing you want on one of those days is someone who has clearance to not do a certain duty that needs doing, that pisses people off. She should have started looking

There is certainly more to being a flight attendant than serving alcohol, but as a former FA I can tell you that it is not an insignificant part. Most of the flight you are answering call buttons and most of those are for drinks. So every time someone asks her for an alcoholic drink, another flight attendant then has