
I know I’m going to get eaten alive here, but without actually seeing the content of the chat, I don’t really understand the uproar. I see sexism and homophobia on my FB feed as a grown ass woman from grown ass people who *should* know better (*Trump supporters). Burn books, ranking systems etc. have been around

Thinly veiled threat much?

Um, no. The only shameful shit that should be outed is anything non-consensual (including anything involving animals or children). That’s a VERY specific kink to target when there are far more widespread and truly problematic trends in porn that are far more prevalent, timely and damaging if we are going to start

Agreed. I am on a most serious quest for Lorelei’s blue shearling jacket.

Defending all Midwesterners everywhere, we know spinach dip is distinctly different from queso dip. We know our fucking cheeses from our veggies, blame this ignorance on another geographical stereotype—it ain’t us.

Honestly, that customer is 1000% right. If the shop didn’t have capacity to validate existing warranties and coverage, they shouldn’t be able to complete work covered under said warranties. Carrying around one’s ID is in nowhere akin to carrying around every single warranty document that one might possess. Your story

Love it.

Because that’s how asshole’s do.

If I use a coupon of any sort, I always apologize in advance and let the server know I’m not “that person.” I just add the actual cost of the “free” item to the usual 20+% tip. I haven’t served in 15 years and overhearing people grouponing when out dining just sets me on rage for the poor server. It’s always the worst

I sure hope you aren’t using that Psych degree of yours in a professional capacity. A mental health professional would be aware of the danger of armchair diagnoses propagating the already crippling stigma associated with mental illness. Are you sure you just didn’t learn about Munchausens and just want to sound like

I am by no means a wine snob, but the rieslings and moscatos are absolutely nasty to me at this point in my life and I used to consider myself quite the sophisticated 20 yr drinker of the most quality of wines. Ugh, and don’t get me started on the Beaujolais phase that soon followed. I will entertain a good rose, but

The most important percent.


Yesterday, I accosted some stranger’s dog with a joyfully sung “happy dog! happy dog! hi! hi! hi!”...

Hahaha. How can you live in Dallas and NOT know there’s truth in her statement? It’s not an insult, it’s an observation of style trending a certain way. Unless you think there’s something wrong with ladies rocking Dallas style....

I think you are trying to be the feminist police and failing miserably. The only way her comment could be construed as regionalist is if you personally attach a value judgment to how much makeup a woman wears. Dallas style is big and glam, big fucking deal. Nitpicking another woman’s innocuous statement apart simply

Isn’t geography kinda relevant to this series though? Certain cities have a reputation for a particular style aesthetic and Dallas is definitely one of them; no one is saying all women in Dallas go full whore gun and many people kind of lump all of the “South” together. Birmingham is in the South and is not one of

Yes, I suppose I’m very mad that you don’t see the allure of debauchery. It’s people like you who keep me up at night, partying my face off and wondering WHY GOD? WHHHHHHYYYYYYY WON’T THIS PERSON BE MORE INTERESTING SO I CAN WATCH A MOVIE ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES? NO ONE IS INTERESTING WHO DOESN’T GET HIGH AND FUCK!

I think that if media consistently (and successfully) uses those rites of passage as a point of reference in coming of age stories, it indicates that there are a good number of people who can relate to those experiences. Sorry that no one is catering to your very special coming of age experiences? Also sorry that you

Drugs, drinking and sex represent rites of passage, which is why they are COMMON (e.g. relatable) themes in coming of age stories. Testing ecstasy for purity is something the quirky underdog friend of the protagonist would do to demonstrate their ultimately unremarkable quasi-quirkiness. No one really cares if an