
Save your rage, husband it for the day you unleash a drunken, holiday-destroying Thanksgiving rant. If there’s one thing that 2016 taught us, it’s go big or go home.

Do you know anything about this monster? He was laughing ans smirking throughout the trial. He is a psychopath murderer. And if you criticize me for “misgendering” this monster, fuck you and your Buffalo Bill-loving ass.

can’t believe Blast was even interviewed, shame on you Jezebel for even giving this person a platform. this insane criminal married the zodiac killer and wanted to be a real woman so he could make “Zodiac Killer babies”
I love how this is not even mentioned in the article - kind of a BIG miss don’t you think?

Is it possible that he/she chose to be a she to avoid being murdered by anti-child molesters? Now wants to be the big girl in a woman’s prison?

How this interview could go through a discussion unironically about what people are “disposable” in our society when this person’s crime (at least the portion they admit to) was literally throwing a person away. And to be still sticking to NO SNITCHING!

The issue some of us are having is that Jezebel gave this criminal a platform to vent her protestations of innocence. They even put pictures of her posing with some children. Shame on Jezebel for trying to make this convicted murderer look cuddly.

Keep that in mind when someone rapes, tortures, and kills you or someone you love. At leas you’ll have the smug satisfaction of knowing that they won’t have to suffer through solitary confinement.

I agree with you, although seriously, he does NOT belong in a female prison. Why would you take someone who raped a 13 year old girl and then put them in a prison full of more women he can rape? This guy knew that if he was ‘transgender’ he would get special protection from the general population in a male prison, or

HE should be placed in a male prison in his own cell. Not solitary, just his own cell. They need a separate wing for the gender-nonconforming for their own safety, plus their own yard. That’s as far as I would go for him though. HE RAPED AND MURDERED A FEMALE AND YOU WANT HIM IN A FEMALE PRISON? Right.

It’s bizarre to compare not reporting a fellow student for a school driving offense to covering up the rape and murder of a child and enabling the rapes and murders of more children.

How could you do an interview with Blast without doing a simple LexisNexis search? She’s an obvious murderer and high ranking member of the Latin Kings.

Yeah, right. Who are you gonna believe: a gang-banger who’d already been tried for a previous case of arson and murder, or all the people who testified that he and his partner had bragged about torturing and murdering a little kid? And who then grinned all the way through the trial?

JFC! And even if she didn’t do it, she’s still allowing a rapist/murderer to go free by not “snitching” so screw her if she thinks that makes her honourable. It does not.

Since this interview was conducted, Synthia China Blast has been transferred to Mid-State Correctional Facility, a men’s facility near Utica. She is now on a long-term IPC wing, and is able to spend the vast majority of each day out of her cell and around other prisoners. Blast finally has access to programming and

Look I don’t give a fuck about her, or how she is treated, I really don’t care about what happened to racist garbage. Does that make me a bad person, I don’t give a fuck. People like her are the reason why my kind never have a peace of mind. Also we can talk about her white privilege, that’s the only reason why she

Articles like this remind me why I don’t take liberal feminism seriously anymore.

How ass-backwards do you have to be as a feminists to promote a child rapist and murderer on your site Jezebel?

Because no murder or rapist has ever claimed to be innocent, right? FFS there are plenty of trans women convicted of non-violent crimes who are likely treated poorly. Why defend this one?

Fuck this bitch, she spend her teenage years in a gang terrorizing black people then was part of that murder and the rape of a 13 years black girl and I should feel sorry for her? Fuck her. Fuck her and people who give her a platform.