
This comment is everything wrong with America.

Her smooshed up face looked like a eager slice of wet ham”

DUDE. YES. Came here to say basically the same thing.

Well, I mean, it’s not even like he’s the first President who used the N-word...

I’m sure Guy Fieri carries a “Guy Fieri Parking” placard with him wherever he goes.

For some reason I kept reading “Ferrari Guy” as “Guy Fieri.”

It always comes down to this.

I did not think he was shaming the people who had to sue, but was shaming the companies.

I have seen a lot of hate on social media towards Swift for this statement, and I just don't get it. She clearly states it is not about her, but the smaller and underground artists.

Lots of questioning women were straight before they had their first girl crush. This kind of response to openly voicing who I am is the reason why I don’t come out. Seriously, you should not do this.

It’s like the match question on Okcupid, “Women who make out with other women for attention are...” Then they give you options like “So annoying!” or “Incredibly hot!” And all I can think is, how do you know WHY women are making out with each other?? Just because the question presumes that they are doing it for male

How do you know who’s straight or questioning? Who are you to tell ‘straight’ women not to express their feelings or crushes on someone? I call bullshit. Stop policing people’s sexuality.

Agreed. At what point are you questioning? Have all 100% straight people literally never questioned themselves? How do they know then? Do 100% straight people even exist?

Hey, I’ve eaten plenty of pussy and I’m straight. It’s just sex.

Yeah... This post made me want to jump all the way back into my bisexual closet because I have yet to “eat pussy.”

another note: talking about how over ruby rose you are also does not make you edgy.

I really, really don’t care if straight women want to make eyes at Ruby Rose. I don’t care if they’re never going to eat pussy, I don’t care what sexuality they identify as. I don’t care if you think that they’re (or if they are) trying to get brownie points for thinking a totally hot girl is hot. I DON’T CARE. STOP

What is with the tone of this?! I’m bi, and I have no problem with ‘straight’ girls saying this - maybe they’re not straight and this is how they’re finding out? Why are they not allowed to express that they have an unexpected attraction? It’s not taking anything away from me.

Absolutely. This piece is utterly reductive and unhelpful about something that’s wonderfully, richly complex. People aren’t always precisely sure of what or who they like. Frankly, I think a modest majority of human beings live in that shifting, undefined space. And it’s ok. It truly is. It’s a nice place to be. It’s

I feel like this is why so many bi women (and men) are afraid to come out and say that they’re bi, because aparently questioning your sexuality is just trying it on for a day and that’s what posers do...