An Angry Irishman

I read all that in an angry Irish accent.

I was going to hit the comments section and talk about what you just said. But you've said it more perfectly than I ever could.

I was gonna say this. I think with JRPGs (as with most other things), as the install base of consoles has grown, and as gaming has become more mainstream, more people are being introduced to JRPGs, and consequently, more people are buying JRPGS.

Seriously. That made me facepalm so hard.

Batman approves this comment and so do I.

Random caps lock rage aside, he does raise a valid point.

I read an article maybe 8 years ago on how japanese game makers were stuck in the whole jrpg style games, and that these games didn't appeal to the west, and that they should find inspiration from french developers or something to make games less ...anime-styled etc.

"People have been asking for a Final Fantasy VII remake for the last 15 years but we didn't understand them because they were asking in English."

You forget PSN and that PC's have much cheaper games, and that other than young children, console gamers generally also need a pc of some sort. And screens cost less than TVs. PC gaming is the cheapest option for lots of people.

You're right. The main reason console gamers don't consider PC gaming is UTTER IGNORANCE about PC gaming.

Pfft... stupid consoles.

I feel like having to see a pure white sky in the top half of my vision for hours on end will lead to some not insignificant eye pain.

Nice that they listened. Too bad the game itself is still terrible.

"You and people at MIT are the only ones that care how much FPS you get of what machine"

I will reinstall this once they patch the city sizes. The game has a multitude of problems, some of which they are addressing, but the primary one is that the plot size allows you to build a small town, not a city. It should be called "sim suburb"

I maintain to this day that Microsoft will re-patch the always online requirement before this generation is out. This IS a wild dog, and people would be wise to not take their eyes off it for a second.

Not playing it until i can build across the entire map. None of this 'regional' bull. I got my city to the point where all i had were residential towers. Since the region is a perfect square, it goes from clean field to skyscraper without even a road between. It looks ridiculous. Not to mention, my population was

No. Still the smallest cities possible. The previous games are miles ahead.

Apart from the Witcher example (which is just what happens when you compare a good game with a low marketing budget to a bad one with an astronomical marketing budget) I'd argue that all of those failures of good games are self-inflicted due to platform choice. It would be like designing an awesome sedan then trying