It was not blindingly obvious in any way based on what I’ve read about the game. Plus, they changed the text of the review, so obviously they agree with me. Anyway, there’s no need to be condescending, especially when you’re wrong
It was not blindingly obvious in any way based on what I’ve read about the game. Plus, they changed the text of the review, so obviously they agree with me. Anyway, there’s no need to be condescending, especially when you’re wrong
“Everyone dies except the person you pick” is a great way to start a review.
Thank you for ruining the entire game for everyone. I created an account to inform you how I can’t understand how difficult it is to write a review without spoiling the entire ending. Thank you for being so completely inept and unable to do the most obvious aspect of writing a review. You have ruined the story for…
This type of article is why your website was sold for less than 1/3 it was previously purchased at. Keep up the good work!
you forgot white and to make this statement over on splinter where you’d garner several stars for that tired chestnut.
ehhhhh i think if she did a “white Lifeline” she would have gotten shit for that too but not nearly as bad as now.
Not to mention the fact she’s fucking Lithuanian. Internet culture really just imposes American mores on the world. It’s like online imperialism.
I honestly think she was doing this in good faith. I would love for blackface to be a thing people do because they want to look like Famous Black Person. But rascism is still very real and blackface is still very tied to racism. Let’s everyone learn the lesson here and move along.
She’s Lithuanian. Like it or not, it’s just different abroad when it comes to this stuff. Doesn’t make it right, doesn’t make it wrong. I just don’t think they’re on the same spectrum of cultural sensitivity over there.
I’m starting to feel like we’re getting to a point where nothing is allowed. I mean, the context here, for example. She isn’t making fun of black people in any way. She’s trying to remain true to the character, who happens to be black. It would be one thing if she had done something deliberately offensive, but she’s…
No, she can’t do that. If she just wear clothes it will be whitewashing .
Seriously, the phrase “buddy up” is an incredibly misleading phrase. Any Chinese corporation that has operations outside of China especially, is beholden to the whims and desires of the party. There is no buddying up about it, the party decides and what they decide goes, Tencent has no choice in the matter. This is…
Valve never paid for a Steam exclusive. If games were Steam “exclusives”, it was only because the publisher decided they didn’t need to list on any other online stores. Epic is paying handsomely for their exclusives.
oh no, god forbid you should have a comeback with any actual substance.
Except you would be wrong, you intentionally ignored the reason why fans are upset and dismiss their grievances. typical dismissive SJW attitude.
Credible accusation? Point me in the direction where this has evolved past “he said she said”. Last I checked it was just that, an accusation with zero evidence to prove he did or didn’t do it. Honestly, since when do we take the word of everyone who comes out of the woodwork. I might be an asshole, but you don’t go…
Yeah, this article made me realize we’re actually out of problems.
Honestly if I lived in a comic book world I’d want all of the “regular” cops to be as fascist and violent as Frank Castle because it’s the only way a “regular” cop could ever hope to stand up to the massive quantity of criminals who work for the villains who frequently possess super human powers.
I seems like they're fixing it right now.