An Angry Irishman

You’re totally her, aren’t you?

People are pretty soft these days man. I’m surprised he didn’t say the reason for not touching it is because their being referred to as “prisoners” and not “troubled citizens”

lmaooo she is truly one of the most cringeworthy morons anywhere on the internet

It’s called SCUM for a reason. They are inmates, not choir boys.

Can you lighten up first? And if that seems like a ridiculous, overblownsuggestion, well, then there you go.”

It’s innocent humor, and nothing more. The number of people in the Souls community who care at all is so tiny that it’s a moot point.

Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.

I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.

They shouldn’t have apologized. People need to grow up. The world does not revolve around your problems.

You can’t take articles like this seriously when there was all the high-fiving and flurry of excuses for the NYT hiring the oozingly racist POS Sarah Jeong. Don’t point fingers at one company for their hiring and promotion practices when you’re praising one that’s arguably worse. 

It looks absolutely terrible.

Have you been convinced by some slick-talking neoliberal into believing they are unrelated?

This demographic however enjoys a higher median wealth and post-secondary education admittance than whites. Where is this “punching down” euphemism that you describe happening here?

Even if he did have a gun, it wasn’t out,” YES IT WAS. IT WAS IN HIS HAND.

““I didn’t do nothing bro,” Blevins shouts.”

Hey, that’s fine. As I’ve said: everyone involved, in my opinion, is shit. Ms. Price, ArenaNet, and the Reddit Neckbeards. I just found it glaring that the author tried to paint her as completely innocent, which she most obviously was not. 

I mean, the profile itself more than makes it clear who it is, in the way that “I’m not naming a person, but they live at XXXX and talk about their two children and they just celebrated their 54th birthday last week” doesn’t name people.

a fine mind at work!

This is the saddest attempt at dismissing a debate that I think I’ve ever seen on the internet, and that’s saying something.

‘I say it’s dumb, so it doesn’t count! Nah nah!’

Like I said, grow up a bit, learn to have an actual adult discussion with people you differ with instead of just insulting them and running away

Awww you poor thing. You still believe any opposing opinion is ‘trolling’.

Get back to me when you grow up a bit. Best of luck!

yes, really. or do we never expect women to ever take responsibility for their choices anymore?