An Angry Irishman

I guess being outspoken makes you an asshole.

Fuck you EA. I want my money back for your fundamentally broken SimShitty that I haven't touched in months. You're never getting my money again.

Wildstar, you got me hooked on your style, humour and seemingly interesting combat mechanics: I beg you, please don't disappoint me upon release like so many MMO's before you.

There's not that much.

All controllers are horrible for FPS compared to a mouse. Trolololol

this keeps being brought up like al bundy scoring four touchdowns in one game

Alpha Protocol was an unfairly maligned gem that deserved more attention.

I've paid for a few subs out of pure nostalgia. Of course, I did the top level grinding bits but still; I can't say that I like the game as it is now, but more so for what it was.

All of this. Flying mounts (for me) ruined exploring the world itself and finding all of these neat little places to quest or dungeon run, or even PvP for that matter. Hell, I remember being Alliance and for the first time taking part in a raid on the Crossroads in Kalimdor. That was the first time I even went to

Yeah the death of world pvp was a disappointment.

The scale and community.

Naval warfare > Tank warfare

Really? The $9 blimp DLC didn't get everybody excited again?

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?? If you can't afford your lavish, $200/plate wedding without expecting your guests to pay for it, then don't fucking have a lavish, $200/plate wedding, you spoiled, entitled, pathetic brats.

"anonymous Canadian woman" Oh, you mean NSA?

That sounds good. The 360's on screen keyboard controls pretty poorly next to PS3.

I think he was indeed pushed, out a MS window, by Steve Balmer.

After sinking Xbox One's ship, I don't think MS rightly cares if Mattrick moves on to the Titanic.

I'm a rape survivor. I find the absolute absurdity of the Saint's Row games to be refreshing, and I greatly look forward to this next one.