
Joe Torre, that’s what I said. And I doubt the fans at the house that Ruth built would approve of you speaking this way.

I think you mean the “Y2K Virus.” A virus is a cold that’s super strong and kills people.

That’s one thing I hate about poker—you can only double down in certain situations. At some arcades they have something called “Wacky Poker” where you can double down whenever you want to. That’s the best way to play, in my opinion.

Metaphorically, I agree. They’re really been a lost franchise since then. Barely eeking out any wins. They play more like the goddamn Royals these days. Pathetic. Sad. Laughing stock of baseball.

The coach of the NY Yankees. Maybe you’ve heard of him? He likes pitching changes and wears a hat and a uniform like the players do.

I realize he’s exercising his freedom of speech, but I hope Joe Torre realizes that whenever you protest in this country, you get what’s coming to you. Don’t come crying to me when your New York Yankees get punched in the face and pepper-sprayed by angry white men with rat tails, Joe Torre.

Can I follow you on Twitter and/or LinkedIn? I feel like we’ve really made a connexion.

This film was quite influential on recently deceased Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia. As you may know, the man was a film buff. He watched every Oscar(TM) nominated film each year.

I like where your heads at—MY PILLOW, LATER TONIGHT!!! How’s that for a pickup line? It mixes tenses, but most women don’t understand English grammer anyways.

I like the Sprite in you, MisterDoohit.

He might be a winner today, but who knows what kind of horrible shit he could be pulling tomorrow. Athletes aren’t role models. Look at this one-act play for proof:

Like I always say, “gonna have some fun, show you how it’s done, TGI Friday’s. What a restaurant!” - Me, Professional Funny Man.

The end of the Oscar Award Winning, Martin Scorsese film, The Departed, features a shot of a rat on a ledge after a man is murdered by Marky Mark Wahlberg. The rat is (of course) a metaphor for Dan Rather, known ally to Whitey Bulger (the real-life gang star the film is based upon).

It’s never a good idea to dance on a grave. John Lennon used to dance on Eleanor Rigby’s grave at St. Peter’s Graveyard Woolton, and look what happened to him! He had to pose naked on an album cover for the whole world to see! What an embarrassment! I four one don’t want anyone seeing my private areas.

As a nice guy who has been repeatedly friend-zoned by women, don’t you think I deserve to break through the glass ceiling of sexlessness? What am I doing wrong? I’ve read so many books about pick up artistry!

If a girl says she wants to be “just friends,” but you were never her friend to begin with, does that mean that you’re ugly and you’ll never find love no matter how many books on pick up artistry you take out of the local library and also, who needs friends anyway?

Rules are made to be broken. Just ask any high school Chemistry lab teacher. If he ever followed the “no running in the lab” rule, Tyson Gay would NEVER be the world champion sprinter he is today. If you always wear safety gloves when handling chemicals, how do you ever hope to discover new skin care products or

This is a stupid way to use Twitter.

You mean he “sweats” all over everything? Like most 14-year-olds?