
Be honest, the rest of you guys hate it when Barry brings his 14-year-old son into the office. He’s a nice kid and everything, but he picks on Ley and Sean (he calls them the “emo guys”) and he gets on Haisley’s nerves whenever he calls it ‘soccer.’ Plus, he eats all the granola bars and he leaves his empty Capri Suns

I can’t blame Kenny Williams one bit. Kids are annoying! They can’t do grownup stuff like driving cars, watching pornography, and getting tattoos. Plus they don’t even learn to wipe their own asses until they’re 16.

Nobody calls him “Drew Boogers.”

“This room is a mess! Pick up those drug tests!” I yell at my children. It’s called personal responsibility. The more you, as they say, know.

Is this statue of a wood-eating pig meant to, as they say, impress me, The Mustard? Because I’ll tell you this—it does not.

I’ve never seen a female breast on PTI, but sex, as they say, sells, and I wouldn’t be opposed to it.

FYI, Mike Wilpon from PTI is not related to the Wilpons who own the Mets. So if your hesitation is that he yells too much to be a good teacher, consider that hesitation squished.

He’s buying luxury pigs now, too? You know, if the Wilpon family were smart, they would’ve paid this young man a weekly allowance. Some might call it ‘paternalism,’ but look at Bobby Bonilla. He was a hot shot superstar once upon a time and he’s never been better. You don’t see him schilling for! Teach

Unless you are one my forty-four closest friends, you certainly were not in my wedding party!

‘Pitino’ isn’t Karen’s last name. I believe it was “Cyber.”

That question is a violation of my HIPAA rights, padanddab. Maybe you’ve heard of it? HIPAA - Health Insurance: Privacy Always Applies.

Citing a source helped curry my flavor, but I think we’re gonna have to flee to disagree on this one, Kid Carbone.

If you want to talk about the menu items at the Italian restaurant where Richard Pitino did sex with a guy named Karen, there’s a separate thread for that, Bischoff.

I knew they used aluminum bats in college baseball, but they’re throwing a rice ball now, too?

Curry is not a favor, it’s a FLAVOR. Learn the difference.

You could have said “U R a Idiot.”

It’s unorthodox basketball strategy called Four Play. Try it sometime, Judge.

I didn’t realize you worked for the New York Time!

No, his name is RICK Pitino.

His last name is “Curried” and curried foods are often spicy.