
I was talking about Cole Hampton.

I don’t know Cole Hampton from David, but it used to be that when you paid your hard-earned American money, you received goods and/or services in return. He really got burned here. But on the bright side, it certainly sounds like Hampton has something special with his wife, Heidi, in that she was open to watching a

You could say that, but I don’t know why you wood.

I agree with Barry on this one—it’s not best practices to diagnose. The best practices are ones where you do good hitting and fielding and your dad takes you out to Del Taco afterwards and he says to you, “You didn’t embarrass me today, son, so you can sleep on a mattress tonight,” and then he follows through on his

An expression is made up of words, kemosabe, and words carry a lot of wait.

Why would an expression carry water?

Talk about burying the lede! Guy Fieri is DEAD? I know it’s in poor taste to celebrate someone’s demise, but after Justice Alliyah croaked the big one, Game On, I say.

It’s a finger of speech.

A little time passes and the NFL is carrying Walter for this schmo. Well just like the Wes Craven film, I Know What You Did Last Summer, we all know what Jameis did last summer. Don’t buy this redemption campaign at any price! Even if they’re selling it buy one get two free, don’t buy it, because then you’ll own three


Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Amelia E. I never knew what was going on behind those hazel nuts! I like the state of California quite a bit. I like the quality of light and the way that people refuse to walk anywhere, as is their birthright. I like that when I go into a fast casual restaurant in

This apology is like olive oil—I’m not buying it because I don’t understand what first cold press means and also why does it cost so much and how can there be a difference between Italian and Greek olive oil if it is solely made from the extract of olives? And another thing, if you get olive oil on your shirt? You

Stories like this one are the reason why I purchased a personal computer and modem which I use to connect to the information superhighway. My wife said I was a fool. “Ten thousand dollars a month?!” she said. But who is laughing now, Babs? I. I am the one who is laughing. For though you received our home and children

By refusing, I am owning you in purpletooitty. Keep that in mind forever, please.

I’ll reply to this to ungrey it, but I’m not gonna star it, Sammy.

Fucking Chris Christie is so out of touch he doesn’t even know that cannoli cost $2.50 a piece.

Jared is a galleria of jewelry. Show some respect.


Logic would dedicate that it isn’t a typo, mon frair

That’s your onpinion.