
Can you explain to me how to player poker?

This summer, I vacationed in Vermont and everywhere I went there were signs that said “Grade A Maple Syrup.” So one afternoon, I went into one of the stores and took a few samples. I honestly didn’t know where to begin! The A-F scale seems played out, and I didn’t want to be pretentious about it, like Pitchfork, and

If getting dabbed on is the worst thing that happened to her, she’s lucky. Dude MURDERED a guy and threw the body off a bridge, and everybody pretends like it didn’t happen. Fucking Lance.

Hapccidents Appen as the saying goes.

Maxim is a magazine. Not a book. The difference is in the binding, you see.

These Compaq Presarios belong to the taxpayer to do as s/he sees fit.

The only way a baby learns is if you read to it. You’ve heard the old saying: “Give a man a baby, he’ll read for days—teach a man to read, the library still closes at 10 p.m. and he’s not allowed to sleep there, sorry, but those are the rules.”

You’ll have to play the game to find out more.

That is awful! I can’t believe it. It defies reason. It doesn’t make sense. Why would anyone read news on a folded up piece of paper?

Root Beer was invented on the wagon trail from Independence, MO to Oregon City, OR in the 1820's. That’s where the name came from. It was ‘the beer of the route.’ Lacking medicine and actual beer, settlers invented a refreshing elixir that would cure everything from broken bones to H1N1. You may be surprised to learn

Martin Score Says He’s, “The Last Rodeo” is a criminy underrated film. I bet Peyton can relate to the themes of getting old and eating turkey.

It sounds like you and I are on the same page—let’s just hope Mark Jackson is having sex with a different page of the Holy Bible!

In a sexual way?

No I think you misunderestimated me. I was saying he had sex with a physical bible in a sexual way! You see!

Are you saying Mark Jackson shouldn’t be making love to anything under “21"? Surely the Holy Bible, which was written a few hundred years ago, is sex-age appropriate!

Can’t say I blame ESPN for this—what Mark Jackson has sex with is nobody’s concern.

Maybe not the way you play it, Ariesdragon123, but I myself am a poker professional, so I know the rules written and otherwise.

In poker, “breaking” or having cards that total more than 21 is called “busting.” Learn the lingo, buddy boy.

I relayed a comical poker antidote about the rap singer, Macklemore, and you took it up on yourself to insist me? For what? To make your own self head steam greater? Some people. SNH

In my story, he hit on each of the poker tens he split, so BigJoshy is correct.