Ivana Pusherova

It looks like he’s got a hairnet on with the tat on his forehead.

Good evening everyone! Fun in the craft aisle tonight.

We hand raised them from chicks (vs. mother hen) and chickens are very social creatures- you could never have just 1 chicken, it would die of loneliness. They need a flock and talk to each other. They also yell at us frequently too. Pecking order is real- older hens will peck at the smaller ones! Some breeds are known

Awww, here’s another of my bigger girls chicken sitting with me. The one on the top of the chair is Buttercup, but we call her Road Runner because she’s super fast and hard to catch. Beep beep!

I had an interview this week for a dream job, something I was uniquely talented for and high 6 figure salary...and I blew it off. Canceled and went and bought chickens instead. Seriously, who does that? Me.

They are beauties! Honestly? We got chickens because my youngest was obsessed with them. When we picked them from the farmer, it was 2 red ones, 2 yellow ones...I didn’t know anything about breeds and personalities. We have Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Americaunas (lay blue eggs), leghorns (chicken assholes),

Not yet...the new girls are only 16 weeks and will lay eggs around 6 months. My others (we have 9 hens) lay eggs daily so we get to enjoy yummy eggs almost daily.

I made questionable choices this week when I met a random stranger off the turnpike to buy chickens out of his trunk. Squeeeeee! These girls are Mille Fleur D’ullces. They are Belgian and friendly lap chickens, super affectionate and just darlings. We named then Waffles and Pancake.   I am slowly turning into a crazy

I am raising 3 kids now, two daughters- one a tween and the other teen. What I’ve told them since they were little: “Your body is an instrument, not an ornament.” Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you have to look a certain way- what can your body DO?

No barbeque for you assholes! Grills are for cat naps.

I did NOT want kids until I was 1) married 2)a homeowner 3) financially solid. I found myself accidentally pregnant (took birth control polls with antibiotics) and before I found out, kicked my live-in boyfriend out whom I dated for 5 years (and father of the baby). I was 25 and just started a new job. Holy fuck, I

Chickens are super smart and social. Ours desperately want to befriend our cats.

Chickens need a flock or they get lonely and stressed. Yolko is on of our new girls- she and Amelia Egghart, Bo Peep, and Chickira joined our other 6 hens about 20 weeks ago. She just laid her first egg yesterday! It looks like a doll egg.

“more respectable time”. I buried that fuck in 2016.

 I think my hen is her twin. Though Yolko Ono honks like a goose.

Thanks. We have plans for brunch and some paddleboarding tomorrow, so at least there’s that. And my kids have sung me every diarrhea song they know through the bathroom door...”People think it’s funny but it’s really wet and runny...”

Thanks. I have no shame! I just wanted to fit in my old clothes again because I’m cheap and my maternity clothes were pretty fugly. Gaining weight and wanting to lose it is so fucking hard! Walking daily and getting exercise consistently works best for me. The most motivating fitness partners are my dogs. Heat, rain,

Today is my birthday. I have had raging diarrhea for the past 3 days following a beach vacation and fucking bad clams. My husband (and kids) are at a party (for me) while I sit on the shitter. So yeah, good ass times.