
And not getting paid for it.

They’re protecting Tiffany? Wonder if Trump knows about that.

World’s most depressing job?

Remember the people who claimed they were going to vote for him because he was rich and he wouldn’t be corrupted?

I kind of like the idea of just telling Trump, “Hey, sorry, you used up your Secret Service protection for the year,” just to see how he reacts. :)

Don’t forget Melania and Barron in their golden tower, where agents have to rent space from the president to protect his wife and son.

I think DiCaprio has some charisma that doesn’t translate well to still photos, but I don’t get the other one. Even back in the Alias days, I was all, “I am OK with Fake Francie because you don’t really deserve Real Francie, even though Real Francie was super up her own butt.”

Good grief.

Jefferson Davis Hogg Highway. They’d barely have to change any letters, potentially saving millions in taxpayer dollars.

I’ve been through the desert on a highway with no name. 

highway to the danger zone?

a highway has no name.

One way road that only heads to the East side.

Can we not rename the United Daughters of the Confederacy to the Treasonous Baby Girls, or the Little Racist Girls? Or even just Sore Losers?

How about “Ulysses S. Grant Kicked Robert E Lee’s Ass Highway”

People have been asking about this image that’s started showing up at protests on posters;

I have no advice, only sympathy. Dating is T E R R I B L E.

I have a crush, he has a girlfriend, we’re going to work on becoming friends. I’ve done this before. I don’t anticipate problems. But right now it’s only been a day since he told me and I’m a little bummed. I just... want to not feel bummed, so that a. I don’t feel bad, and b. I be a good person/friend.