
What is J-14? Is it like Bop? Or Teen Beat?

That apartment has as much personality and appeal as its owner appears to have in her interviews. It’s basic and boring.

I mean, when she thinks it’s her bed, isn’t she sharing with me?

Thank you for making this headline about Shanann and not the murderer. He doesn’t need our attention. 

I guess it isn’t just men who need a gun in their crotch area to compensate for small dicks.

Bookmarked this on Nov 10, 2016. It’s all that gets me through these days.

I’m so sorry for this.

“The serendipity and synergy” of it all. He better pay his PR people double because they’re doing a great job with his media training and saying shit that makes good pull quotes but sounds empty.

Love your avatar. #Cuseforlife

I want to hear Janet’s perspective not JT’s. He needs to say Bye Bye Bye until we hear her take, from her mouth to our ears.

I thought it was Don Jr and Eric for whom the apple didn’t fall too far. Ivanka must be trying to get fired. Tiffany appears to be the sharpest tool in this shed. (Watch Barron be a genius and find a cure for cancer.)

Ben G. Hazi?

Also, briefly, as Axel Foley’s partner in Detroit in Beverly Hills Cop. And now I miss the 80s.

Bono and Matt Damon should get together on a project. And shut their damn mouths.

Greatest actress ever was a bit tongue in cheek. The woman has accolades galore.

I believe Meryl. I think she is high enough up to the food chain that she didn’t have to deal directly with Harvey as others did, and that his behavior is demonstrative of an imbalance of power. He had it over Rose, Ashley, Mira, etc. He didn’t and need doesn’t over Meryl. Her people probably knew but also knew not

When I think of things Roy Moore is and isn’t, Anti-Semantic doesn’t even crack the top 10. I mean, he absolutely is, but there are at least 10 traits that top that.

I’ve run out of ways to say I hate this man. I hate this man.

Wonder if Ron Howard will take over this one, too, when he’s done fixing the Star Wars mess. Or better yet, put a woman in charge.