This is the kind of relatable content I like to see
If someone is sleeping next to a man, aren’t they already sleeping next to a dog?
that place is ugly
Hey, Justin! Any room in that $5 million Ontario mansion for Lena? Feel free to take her from us. We won’t put up a fight.
As a Brooklyn resident, I, for one, am telling Lena Dunham not to let the door hit her on her pretentious flat ass.
I had a co-worker when just hanging around the cooler just said, “You know that girls show on HBO, do you know why people find it funny?”
Wow the Lena Dunham profile is even more ingratiating than I imagined. I could not read it all. I think she is the most navel - gazing person I’ve ever witnessed.
Lena Dunham...
Wait a second...his gun loving, pro-birth-racist base also hates women? /s
I keep getting a John Travolta vibe from him.
The AP reports that Avenatti wants to depose the president and his attorney for “no more than two hours”
It’s going to be really funny if this turns out to be the thing that brings him down. Not collusion with the Russians, not his total lack of qualifications, not his disastrous policy “ideas”, but the fact that he and his lawyers were incompetent in trying to pay someone to keep quiet about an affair that happened a…
If people are stabbing him, the security’s not working!
This needs way more stars.
All’s fair in love and basketball.
Betty White needs to lay off the crystal
Polls are fixed! Apologies!