Gifted Horse

So the secret to making millions... lies in... neglecting my dental health? Done!

Hey! Ref! That's my soup!

LeBron was actually trying to save his coach from getting a foul here... then again, get the coach ejected and maybe things will improve.

I honestly misread the "24x36 prints" as "24x36 pants" and thought, "no way, he's at least a 42" waist."

Clever tactic to repel would be tacklers. Well played, well played.

These are some extremely well tailored Old Testament peasants.

"High five, if your name's not Kobe Bryant!"

Mining for coal... hold still...

Please continue your series! It's captivating and I find myself not being able to wait for the next installment.

That appears to be a fairly expensive Fleshlight... I assume. I have no idea how much Fleshlights cost...... or what they're even used for. Haha.... ha.

Amazing how forthcoming, honest, stand up, respectful of the law and women's rights the 49ers are... oh, they've been eliminated from the playoffs. Hmm, how convenient.

Hold up, wait a minute, do I see what I think? Whoa...... Did her thing seen shawty get low... Ain't the same when it's up that close

Ah wuv me sum Wusswiwl Wiwlson...

By the power of the Seminol, you are healed and can tackle again!

She looks really exci... he looks really excit... ummm, he/she looks really excited!

It's plays like this that continue to make Eli look like the talented QB he's not. Stop saving his ass and let him shine.

I fucking love Angry Ram! Consider me "marketed to" as well!

I'm confused... don't say anything about our black reporters or we'll ban you for life*.

This guy is on another level. I'll try to explain... see he's, uhh... well, he's trying to... whew... umm, when you're playing tug-of-war with a horse and... yeah, I got nothing.

What's [with all] the square [brackets]?