Gifted Horse

You can't correct calls you've already made? Then I've been reffing incorrectly, as a FIFA ref, for the last 19 years. Granted, he shouldn't have used the video replay, but I applaud him for correcting the call before play restarted.

Coach: Keep your eye on the Well, that works too.

Looks kind of like a Thunder Cat on meth.

This hand is infinitely larger than his right hand... ahh, I see, the glove is a compression glove. Makes sense. Now I'm concerned about all the "red rockets" aimed at his face.

"Wouldn't recommend 0 people".... soooo, you would recommend it to everyone?

Is this... is this seriously a thing? Faxing folded paper and expecting them to be able to unfold the paper from the magical, replication machine?

The Miley Cyrus of the deer world.

So it's okay that Thulsa Doom (person) turns into a snake but not okay for the giant python to have fangs. Cool. Just want to know where the line of reality is drawn in this science fiction/fantasy movie.

I'm over 20... by a lot and maybe that's why I have no idea where this article is going.

Aww, this hand is empty... as in no championship trophy. I'm sure you'll win one with the Brow-I can't finish this sentence with a straight face.

I would love to be drained by Rogue... what? Oh, the bad kind of drained. Nvm

Smell my finger

One in the pink, two in the stink!

As a referee, we can't take anyone's "guarantee" or "promise". If we don't see it, it doesn't exist. This is clearly unclear and therefore no a goal.

Do you like fish sticks? Do you like to put fish sticks in your mouth?

Josh: "Worst decision ever."

The epic battle between three fingers and a thumb vs four fingers and a thumb.

Now that you've won the Super Bowl, where are you going?

How much for the two of you ladies? A bucc-an-ear... huh? Huh? (that's comedy gold right there)

Still infinitely better than an Eli Manning interception face any Eli Manning face.