
The Kushners, Tomi Lahran, Omarosa, Milo; I want to buy each of them a drink, sit them down, and tell every single one of them, “you’re not special.” When Steve Bannon plots the race war to violently rid the world of the Jewish illuminati, he isn’t thinking to himself, “except the rich, finance guy married to the

Good luck, Gronk! Did you happen to see his appearance at the Boston Super Bowl victory parade? He is living his best life.

All true, but these nice details butt up against the fact that many Trump supporters simply do not live in our consensually accepted reality. They don’t care if Trump is an objectively worse president than Obama: they like Trump more thus he is better.

You mean you’re here to serve you, at the expense of everyone else.

That’s what you mean, so just say it.

To be honest, this has been going on definitely since 2000. Sixteen years of “We’re the real progressives”while literally stopping progressive movement forward. What probably really needs to happen is we need to get non-voters, who are registered dems the hell off their asses on election day so that we don’t have to

Ok, well, this is where I’m gonna have to agree to disagree. And let’s be clear, Democrats like me are the ones doing the agreeing; we’ll vote for anyone, including any far left candidate that gets through the primary. Yall are the ones throwing a hissy fit when your candidate loses, and dividing the party. Sometimes

I think you’ve deeply misunderstood me. I’m a Democrat, I have never voted anything but Democrat, and my friends jokingly describe me as “somewhere to the left of Che when he was hiding out in the jungle.”

Their beliefs aren’t what bothers me. I have an issue with the idea that party purity should come before victory-

Yes, you’ve described the problem facing the Democratic party very well. As much as I identify with the values of the far-left, I consider myself way too flexible to ever really be a member of the movement. At this point I’ll vote for anyone with a “D” in front of their name no questions asked, but for those on the

I’m kind of torn on people like Claire McCaskill facing primary challengers. On one hand, yes, you are supposed to lock arms with fellow Democrats and obstruct as much as you goddamn can, Claire. Attempting to stop the Cheeto Commander should be the most basic of your duties. On the other hand though, she’s right to

That is horrifying. It’s hard enough being a non-traditional student with a family (I know because I am one). There is no excuse for anyone to be anything other than 1000% supportive of anyone who is doing what they need in order to get an education. The irony is that those same asswipes who judge and try to punish

on a quote kick today apparently:

Hating black people and women never goes out of style.

Reposting from Chicken-Mae in another thread. Heads up if you’re in Florida.

Omg. What a joke.

Totally off topic, but in case anyone is looking for good in the world.

Catlas Shrugged! LOL!!!

Expect to see a lot of primary challenges from newfound “cool” and “hip” Republicans who aren’t like these “lame” incumbents and pledge to “stand up to Trump” once they get to Washington DC. And it will probably work because, in these deepest of Red states, ANYONE is better than a Democrat.

FYI: activists on Twitter are actually encouraging protestors to skip this rally, because trump is probably going to use it to provoke us into violence so we look bad.