I’m sorry, but didn’t someone (Cryptkeeper) just get counseled regarding promoting a product. Could promoting Fox and Friends, or any media for that matter, be construed under the same accusation that had landed on Con-way Twit.
I’m sorry, but didn’t someone (Cryptkeeper) just get counseled regarding promoting a product. Could promoting Fox and Friends, or any media for that matter, be construed under the same accusation that had landed on Con-way Twit.
Ive found myself physically ill and depressed far too often since his inauguration
Reasons it took him 12 minutes to Tweet what he just saw on tv: GO!
I truly cannot believe that they’re trying to say the mission in Yemen was successful. I know I should be able to believe it by now, but it was such a fucking obvious failure. I hope the servicemen’s family comes forward after their grieving and speaks out against an administration that will continue to treat soldiers…
I read an article yesterday about cross-gender casting (specifically regarding the Spicer sketch, but it gave a nice little rundown of how men-dressed-as-women is a go-to for yuks), which rightly pointed out that there’s an extra bite to the rabid press monkey being portrayed by a woman. I love it. I wallow in how…
Trump is still upset that SNL has somebody who doesn’t smell like cabbage play him.
Looks like that NYT story and all of the President Bannon talk has officially gotten under Cheeto’s skin.
I want to believe this.
It was good.
Why is Price’s position not in jeopardy? I feel like a broken record here - but he would be disastrous for women’s health and LGBTQ health. He could actually be voted against successfully because of his financials.
Be happy for the democrats. I’m stuck with extreme right-wing republicans as my representatives. Calling their offices is like talking to a brick wall. :(
You only have 3 moves left to get to Kevin Bacon. We’re counting on you.
I am a true a point in life where I realize people this ignorant can’t be changed.
Glorification of the military to the extent that they can do no wrong has removed all critical debate of their use from public discourse to our collective detriment. The military is comprised of people like you and me, some are good and some are bad. Everybody joins the military for their own reasons (of which there…
He doesn’t even know how to smile. He just stretches his face into that contorted puddy monster look.
And also...
I’m in a fairly progressive city, so that was less of an issue (though we had a doctor actually on site for the Colpo/LEEP day, otherwise it was an NP). We had a small building with narrow halls (we’d never navigate around TRAP laws, and I imagine birthing centers have some rules about their building codes?) and our…
Except that the order also completely bars entry to those with green cards, with already-issued Visas, and even things like UK citizens with dual citizenship in the effected countries.
I thought the worst case scenario was that Trump was going to hang back, reap the rewards and let Pence do whatever the hell he wanted. He proved me wrong - he handed power to Bannon instead. Something needs to be done, and fast. We don’t have two years to ponder and build support for incumbents; Bannon isn’t…