Thank you.
Thank you.
I wanted to post a picture of all we collected and it won’t let me. We had the local head of the NAACP and a professor speak about the history of women in activism. Next month we are hosting two panels on intersectionality. It’s much needed here and mandatory if we want to be sustainable. I’m so fucking proud. I’m not…
My city did not have a NOW chapter so I started one and got 9 othet amazing women to help me. We had our first public meeting and in our reddest of red areas over 130 people came. We also collected menstral products for a local youth homeless shelter. The generousity was amazing. We had a table full of products,…
He’s not human. I suspect he is a lizard covered in synthetic skin like from the miniseries V. The 80's version, because the skin isn’t that convincing.
I shouldn’t reply to you, but I’m perma-gray so won’t get you into the black. I just want to say I’m so sorry for Buddy.
Fuck you, fuck your mother, you father, and your dog
I teach it in my gen Ed public speaking class, but it definitely could use more time than it gets.
I’ve not seen any of the show, but am not surprised to read this about Caitlyn. She is an asshole, and I’m sorry for people who felt like they may have a high profile representation or be able to see someone like them on tv. It must be disappointing.
Except research show’s the death penalty isn’t a deterrent, and it is applied disproportionately to poor, minorities, often with mental disabilities.
I helped a lot of farmers get insurance through that marketplace too. Can’t imagine they will be happy losing their subsidies for that either.
Ah Brother Jed, so predictably his hateful spew has a bingo game.
The White House statement is eerily similar to a statement out out by the 7th grade class treasurer after he was accused of misappropriating pizza party funds.
Then I didn’t check before I posted and had a typo in my post making fun of him. I hate typing on my iPad 😒
If you still qualify for a special enrollment period it may be worth it to find a navigator to assist you. Depending on their skill level they may be able to get your income down. The application asks about deductions, specifically student loans which could help you get under the income level to get subsidies. Of…
The lack of options is an issue, but are you sure you make too much to qualify for the subsidies? People qualify up to 400% of the poverty line and if you lost coverage recently you could get a special enrollment period. Depending on your income you could also get additional cost sharing that lowers deductibles on the…
Also principles is the word he was looking for there. Can’t they get an int RN up that mofo.
To be fair, Carson alway referred to a Popeyes as an organization, so he isn’t really aware of well anything.
The preexisting condition clause applies to everyone and all insurance plans, not just those on the marketplace so now if you lose insurance you can still get it without considerations of preexisting conditions or being charged more. That is one way the ACA benefits everyone along with no lifetime caps. Yes, the…
Better yet, the room of requirement
The bits I’ve seen of the republican plans have the continuous coverage provision. If people do not stay continually covered they can be charged significantly more for a period of time under those plans. Clearly this creates issues like job lock for many people. Also, if people are forced out of the marketplace and/or…