
Go fuck yourself you shitty human.

Dang. It’s unfortunate that doctors are hesitant because of their reputation - hopefully one day that changes. Thanks for your explanation - I honestly was embarrassed that I didn’t already know this and was schooled by this woman!

Mary Magdalena was NEVER a whore either, but some Pope misspoke in the 11th century and bomb! Whore. That mistake wasn’t corrected until the 1970s and yet how many Christians will still tell you Mary Magdalena was a repentant prostitute?

All intellectualism is liberal now. Don’t bother these people with your elitist facts or historical evidence, you dirty liberal.

Feminism means never having to say you’re sorry...

I had the same thought. Feminism means protecting fetuses! And lower taxes! Feminism means never having to say Happy Holidays! My local diner serves Pepsi products instead of Coke, and every time I go I’m like “excuse me, I’m a FEMINIST.” Feminism is against net neutrality because women can profit from monopolies

“We need to rein in science. We need to stop these liberals that think that anything is OK,” he wrote in an email.”

“White men best yay white men you deserve hot women to bring you soup everyone gets a hot woman and hot soup and free money and no more welfare also ever boo welfare no abortion yes Jesus Baconator Dale Earnhardt Sr.”

You’d understand it if you spoke Working-class American, duhhhhh. Here, let a Real American translate for you:

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

I empathize with you about the anxiety all of this craziness is causing. T

My favorite part of this whole trope was back during like, spring of 2016, when he was insisting that the wall would be so high!! It would be so, so high and tall, there would be no way anybody could ever get to the top. And then the tiny piece of brain that usually rattles around loose in his skull must have

Why the fuck do states like Minnesota have a Democratic governor with 76 Republicans and 57 Democrats in the State House? We need to start yelling at the tops of our lungs about the actual fraud that the GOP has been perpetuating the last decade. We have to reclaim this fucking conversation. After today, I’ve had it

Mitch works really slowly.

I want to buy her conditioner and mail to her out of pity.

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

“....the centering of white women in the media and amongst themselves. The notion that the need for protest has “just begun” with the election of Donald Trump, too, was deserving of critique, particularly considering A) the Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock movements of the past several years and B) the entire

Oh, don’t worry, we are very disrespected at the college-prof level, too! With the added benefit that everyone incorrectly thinks we are also rich and overpaid, rather than adjuncts getting paid less than our teaching assistants.