
Maybe deep down Rhianna feels if she's not flashing her boobs no one would talk about her.

She has an identified medical condition that can be supported with drugs; no different to a prisoner receiving asthma treatment or any other medical treatment while imprisoned.

twas thinking the exact same thing. That Kody guy would be all over Billboard given the chance.

No, this is not a nice dress. The look is all Alexis Carrington sitting at her dressing table smoking a black Nat Sherman cigarillo while her maid brushes her hair before she has her breakfast brought to her on a tray.

deep fried?

There are many reasons for people having children and not necessarily reasons that remain the same throughout our lives as we mature. I think for many people, once the reason for having children no longer exists, they wonder why the hell they went ahead and did it.

What's the difference between a prank where urine and broken furniture is involved and vandalism by a gang of drunken louts?

Yeah right DA office guy, because homeless people eating from handouts go around suing people all. the. time.

naivety and delusions of power and a belief that your misinformed opinion is the only opinion that counts, a dangerous combination...

From the picture, I thought the sandwich on the right was a really yummy looking layered cake. Fooled again...

there are so few of them that survive, there is no need for a repatriation program. People would soon realise the cruelty of sending animals to war if they understood that most of them will die, horrifically. A repatriation program would unintentionally highlight this. You call yourself a we but I think this makes

Because most of them don't survive. They get blown up. shot or tortured. They are trained to be killed. That's what people should be crying about.

Who ties Richie's ties? That knot is absolutely geometrical measuring instrument perfect.

It took her that long to learn to spell double fucking news flash...

Regardless of how badly you want to know, how is it any of your business?

Malia Obama will only have an easy time of it when identified as Malia Obama; when identified as an anonymous black woman, all that privilege is no more.

You have no idea if you have been in the company of a trans person. Trans people are all around whether they are visible to you or not.

You're sure he's not just putting his shoes on? :)

So what's Dan doing working at 'various farm jobs'? Is he his daddy's overseer?

So whats with the communications and international relations all these fools are taking? Are those the easiest studies or have low entrance requirements at this school?